Chapter Thirty Eight

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I blinked at Dante as he walked into the room, he had on a suit as usual and looked as good as ever, still not wiping the smirk off his face as he held the bunch of lilies in his hand.

I'd had enough of being nervous and scared around Dante, and I think I'd crossed the line of being like that when I tried to run away the first time.

No more miss-nice-girl, I'm sick of pretending...

"How do you think I'm feeling?" I said with an attitude, glaring at Dante - I had nothing to lose.

He raised an eyebrow at me as if waiting to see what I was going to say, stopping at the end of the hospital bed I lay in.

"Let's see; I found a letter in your office that basically told me my life was in danger, then you tell me that you practically kill people for a living and you're in the mafia - not only that but the Goddamn boss of it! Then you tell me I have to stay with you or else, then I get friggin' chased by you just so you can keep me in your home and now I'm in hospital with multiple injuries! So yeah, I'm feeling pretty good." I ended, sarcastically taking a deep sigh in frustration.

Dante's expression was monotonous at first, and I felt my nervousness return slightly - that was until he laughed.

He actually laughed.

Not just a fake laugh, a real, deep, meaningful laugh. Ha, who knew the first time I'd get Dante to laugh would be by me depicting my annoyance with him.

I folded my arms and frowned at him "What's so funny?"

He shook his head as he chuckled "Seems like banging your head on a tree and passing out brings a different side to you, gattino."

"Well, I have nothing to lose. You can kill me if you like, seeing as that is what you likely do for fun." I said bitterly.

His amused expression was wiped off after I said this and he placed the flowers on the end of my bed.

"For you." he began, looking down at the flowers and I almost felt bad for my out burst - almost - and then he cleared his throat "And just because you're in hospital, doesn't mean I've forgotten what you've done. This new found attitude is interesting and all, but I don't have a lot of patience cucciola. We'll be having a long talk when we get back." Dante said sternly.

"I'm not going back." I spoke stubbornly.

Dante's pronounced jaw, clenched as he took long, speedy strides to the side of the bed.

"Listen here, princess" he spoke through gritted teeth "you may have gotten away with a little attitude, but it won't be a continuous thing. You are coming with me, even if I have to drag you kicking and screaming." Dante said with wide eyes, as if challenging me.

This time, I didn't break eye contact - I just stared back.

He looked at me challengingly.

I knew just by looking at him he wouldn't back down from what he said.

"Fine." I muttered in annoyance.

"Good." he nodded and leaned back away from my face.

I looked away from him, breaking the eye contact, and turned my face towards the end of the bed where the lilies lay.

They were really beautiful, and one of my favorite flowers, after white roses. I'd never gotten flowers before, so I involuntarily blushed.

I felt bad for not acknowledging the fact he had bought them for me.

"Oh...thanks for the flowers." I said with a small smile, trying to sound nonchalant when really I wanted to get up and hug him for the kind gesture.

Wow, our relationship between each other was so messed up - one minute I hated him, the next I wanted to hug him. God, what was wrong with me, he's trying to KIDNAP me for crying out loud.

Dante shrugged "It's nothing, gattino. Anyway, your injuries weren't severe so they are discharging you later tonight after they clean up your head."

"What's wrong with my head?" I asked in confusion.

"I don't know, you could try it on me and I'll tell you." he smirked pervertedly.

At first I didn't understand what he meant, and after a moment I caught on and scrunched my face up at him in disgust.

That was the first real playful remark he'd said to me, really. Despite it being perverted, I liked when he was less serious.

Rather than giving him the satisfaction of replying, I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You cut your forehead, quite deep you needed stitches." Dante told me.

"Oh." I nodded.

"Oh? That's your reaction? God, most girls would cry about it." Dante smirked.

"Well...I've had worse." I shrugged, showing no expression. I wasn't going to give into his playful behaviour and humor.

The smirk he had was wiped off and he just looked at me monotonously, browsing my face.

"What happened to my ankle?" I asked.

"You fractured it. You have to use crutches for at least a week or so." he told me.

I groaned in frustration.

"Well it wouldn't have happened if you didn't jump over the wall like a crazy person." Dante rolled his eyes at me.

"Or it wouldn't have happened if you weren't forcing me to stay, like a crazy person!" I mimicked in annoyance.

"Drop the fücking attitude. You still work for me, Leila. I don't take anyone's shït." Dante said sounding extremely frustrated at this point, and his sudden outburst made me jump a little.

I didn't respond.

So much for being brave, I thought. Despite what I tried to tell myself, Dante would always intimidate me.

Instead, I turned on my side and ignored his presence.

I just wish he were nicer to me for longer than ten minutes, I thought. One side of me wanted to hate Dante, and the other wanted to like him. A lot.

Despite his mistreatment of me, the latter was somehow always in the lead and I didn't know why. Maybe I was just prone to abuse.

Or maybe Dante is the nicest anyone has been to you in a long time. And that's saying something.

I still felt Dante's presence in the room and wondered why he was still here. I didn't turn back though, even though I wanted to...

God, I was so messed up.

"I know about your family." Dante said suddenly and instantly my heart dropped.


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