Chapter Twenty Six

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The journey back to Dante's felt like it lasted forever due to the tension in the limousine.

I was scared to even breathe in fear of being scolded.

Unfortunately, timid and not so brave me was back and I didn't even want to speak to Dante.

When we got to Dante's he didn't bother waiting for me to get out the car before he headed for the front entrance.

I thanked the driver as usual and scurried, although stumbling over my feet occasionally, to the entrance.

Fortunately Dante left the door open for me to enter.

Once I had gotten in and closed the door behind me, I saw Dante sat on the bottom of the steps of the left staircase.

"Your behaviour tonight was unacceptable." he said suddenly.

I gulped and took a step backwards just to be safe.

"S-sorry sir." I frowned although the room was dark to the point where I couldn't see his facial expression and he most likely wouldn't be able to see mine.

"You still aren't in your correct state of mind, so I won't yell at you. Just know in the morning you will not have a day off to recover, you did this yourself. I expect each meal at the same time and for the place to be spotless. I have a meeting tomorrow evening so I won't be back until late too." he explained.

I knew I'd probably forget this information in the morning but I complied anyway.

"Okay sir."

"Go to your room now." Dante said, getting up from the staircase and walking up them leaving me alone.

How could somebody go from opening up slightly and being nicer than usual, to turning cold and stand off-ish. I didn't understand.

At least with Paul and past owners I knew where they stood - plain mean and rude or patronising. With Dante it was that and occasional kindness.

I counted to ten, when I knew Dante was in his room, and walked up the stairs heading towards my room.

Once I had gotten there, I closed the door behind me and changed - clumsily - into my pyjamas.

Almost immediately I jumped into bed and rested my head on the feather filled pillow.

I began to think about the events of tonight, but due to the amount of alcohol I had induced, sleep almost immediately hit me and I drifted off peacefully.


I woke up at the usual time and made breakfast for Dante, we didn't really speak apart from me asking whether he wanted coffee or juice.

I cleaned around the mansion, whilst Dante was in his office doing God knows what and before I knew it I was cleaning up dishes from lunch and already starting to cook dinner.

I tried not to think about the previous night, so distracted myself in any way possible.

I spent the next half an hour cooking spaghetti for Dante and just on cue he entered the room once I had finished.

He went through to the other side of the kitchen where the dining room was and I followed almost immediately after with his dinner.

He tucked his own chair in, and hadn't acknowledge me at all yet.

I placed his food down on the mat in front of him and filled his glass up with water from a jug with ice.

As soon as I did this I almost immediately began to walk away, until I heard my name.

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