You're Taking Me Where To Do What?! I Don't Think So

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You're Taking me where to do what?! I don't think so

Chapter 1

I had just come home after my pop's funeral and changed, when i heard a noise down the hall. I was in my bedroom and the noise was coming from the kitchen. I left my room cautiously and that was when i got grabbed from behind. Something was covering my mouth and i ended up asleep before i could do anything.


I was sitting on a foldable chair in a cemetry. it was my Pop's funeral. i wasn't paying any attention to the funeral, i was remembering the day before.

I had gotten home from school early and opened the door to find my pop lying in the middle of the living room floor. I rushed over and felt for a pulse, there wasn't one. The skin beneath my fingers was ice cold.

I turned him over, then immediately wished i hadn't. His eyes were staring unseeing at me and a hand was clutched to his chest. I don't remember how long i sat there crying but after a while i got up and phoned the church. Everything else went by in a blur and here i am now, trying to listen to the vicar talk about my pop's life.

"John Master's was a good man. He lived a full life with no regrets. He and his dearly deseased wife took in their granddaughter Cora after daughter Claudia and husband Robert died in a tragic accident. John was a church going man all his life. So, we ask you god to recieve him ..." The Vicar went on but i didn't hear him.

After we all layed flowers on the coffin it was lowered. Everyone got in their cars and headed over to the pub across the road where the reception was being held. I didn't really know anyone, they were all friends of my pop.

As soon as i walked in everyone greeted me with condolences of "I'm sorry" by the end i was ready to hit the next person who said it. "Sorry" wasn't going to bring him back.


I woke up in a room with a bed, a dresser and a desk. The floor was wooden, like the furniture. The walls were plain white and matched the bed covers.

I realised this wasn't my room. Then i remembered i was kidnapped. I quickly looked at my self under the covers. Phew! I was wearing the same thing as i was before.

Before i could begin to think about my situation the door to the room opened. In walked a man i didn't recognise but he was probably one of my kidnappers.

He stopped in the door way seeing that i was awake. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Why am i here? Where am i?" I asked.

"You're here to be trained as an agent for the government. You're in the main office building in your town called holden and co. Though most people know it as sixty-two because that's how many floors it's got." He said as if he had said it loads of times before.

This guy was nuts if he thought i believed him. I didn't need this. My pop just died for god's sake. "Funny. What's the real reason. I'm not in the mood for jokes." I told him sternly. Then i realised i might not have said the smartest thing if he was my kidnapper.

"It wasn't a joke. Everything i said is true." He told me. He was quite tall (5ft9) had short blonde spiked up hair and was wearing a suit. He looked to be in his late 30s.

"Sure, then if you're the government. Why'd you kidnap me?" I asked not falling for his obvious lie.

"We're sorry about that but we needed you and if we had given you the option you would have said no."

"You can drop the government act now."

He sighed resignedly and left the room. I didn't know what to do stay in here or try to escape. If he only went out for a minute i'd probably get caught.

After a minute nothing happened, he didn't come back. Right, i decided, let's get out of here.

I crept up to the door and found myself looking down a hall. I made my way quickly down it and ended up in a living room. I saw the front door and ran to it. I opened it and looked out. It was another hallway with other hallways and doors leading off it.

Great, how am i supposed to find my way out now. Maybe if i keep going in one direction i'll find a window. That way i could see if the guy was lying or not. Maybe even find my way out of here.

I closed the door behind me and turned to the left and started walking.

I must have been walking for at least 10 minutes and i still hadn't found a window or escape or anyone.

I turned a corner and saw.....


Just tell me what you think and if it's worth continuing. Thanks. If you don't like it sorry i wasted your time.

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