You're Taking Me Where To Do What?! I Don't Think So (Chapter 16)

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She raised the gun and pointed it at Aiden's heart. I didn't think about what i was doing, i just did it. She pulled the trigger but i was already moving. I knocked Aiden out of the way and the bullet hit me in my chest. It felt like someone had shoved a hot poker through my chest. Then i hit the floor. I could hear Emily saying something about not hitting the right person but getting the same effect. Then she was drowned out by Aiden screaming my name in a heart retching cry.

I tried to reasure him and say that i loved him and that no matter what he had to escape but all that came out was my rasping breath. I was turned over and could see Aiden's face he was saying something but i couldn't hear what it was. I smiled at him and mouthed the words i love you. The pain in my chest had started to fade and i was becoming numb. My eyes shut, but still had the image of Aiden crying imprinted on the back of my eyelids. The last thing i felt were lips touching mine, before i felt nothing at all.


Chapter 16

(POV) Aiden

I kissed her lips and then moved back. I watched as she took a last shaky breath and let it out. Then nothing. She was gone. Dead. She had taken my whole world and heart with her.

I looked up to see Emily smiling down at the shell that had once been Cora. As i watched her my pain and misery turned to anger and rage, rage so strong that i managed to get my hands out of my ropes.

At this moment i felt no pain, only the pain in my heart that Cora had left behind. I lunged at Emily and brought her down she let off a few shots. I felt them hit me but didn't register any pain. I grabbed the gun from emily just as she shot me in the chest and thought, this is for you Cora and put the gun to her head and pulled the trigger.

I managed to crawl back to cora, before colapsing. "I did it." I whispered before my world went black and there was nothing.


I woke up in a meadow that seemed to go on forever. It was filled with all kinds of flowers which were all the colours of the rainbow. I looked down at my self and saw i was wearing jeans and a blue shirt. The same one i had been wearing before, except there were no bullet holes. I lifted my shirt to check for bullet holes or scars but found no marks what-so-ever. Strange.

I looked around the endless meadow again and saw someone standing across from me about a few hundred metres away. She had her back to me. Her hands were lightly brushing the long grass and her long brown hair was being blown out behind her in the wind.

I recognised her, but it couldn't be. She was dead i had watched her die. Maybe i was wrong. This feeling started to build up in my chest and all of the sudden i couldn't hold it any longer.

(POV) Cora

I was standing in a meadow, which was the beautifullest thing i had ever seen. I had woken up here in what i was wearing but no bullet holes or scars. I didn't know where i was but all i could think about was Aiden. I kept hearing his heart retching cry. I know i had hurt him when i took the bullet, but i couldn't just watch him get shot and do nothing about it.

I hoped he managed to get out and when he did, i hoped he continued to live his life. I even hoped he managed to find someone to fill the hole i know i left behind. It hurt me to think of Aiden with anyone else but it was what he deserved.

I started thinking about all the moments we spent together. The training room when he first kissed me. The bathroom after i got pink paint on him, helping max run away from him as he pretended to be the tickle monster. I had tears running down my checks. They were all moments i would never have again but it was worth it to let Aiden live.

"Cora!" I heard someone shout behind me. I swear it sounded like Aiden but it couldn't be, could it?

I turned and saw Aiden running to me wearing exactly what he had been wearing before "Aiden?" I said quietly at first then i started running towards him and shouted "Aiden!" He was here!

We met in the middle and instantly he wrapped his arms around my waiste and i wrapped mine around his neck. He picked me up and swung me around. When he put me down i was crying and i could hear him crying as well.

"What happened?" I asked.

"After you .." He had to swallow a few times "Died. I managed to get my hands out. Emily shot me-" I gasped but he continued. " I managed to get the gun and shot her before i passed out. Or died." I ran my hands over his chest and he said " I checked. No bullet holes." He told me.

"Me neither." I replied. I looked up into his eyes and said "I'm sorry." I could see he knew what i was sorry for.

He bent slightly and put his lips against mine. My world was instantly filled with only him and nothing else. I kissed him until we were both breathless, then rested my head against his chest, tingling where ever we touched. "I'm glad you found me." I whispered to him as we watched the sun set over the endless meadow.


That's the end! I had a few different ideas on how to end it but decided to go with this one, it fit the best. Let me know what you think and any advise and critisum is welcome :)

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