You're Taking Me Where To Do What?! I Don't Think So (Chapter 11)

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Then he kissed me on the lips making world exploded again and all i could smell, taste and feel was him. He pushed me against the shut door and deepened the kiss further. I was lost in a world of him and only him when i heard a door slam open and a shocked gasp.


Chapter 11

We both sprang apart like we'd just been stung. When Aiden had moved i could see who had opened the other bathroom door. It was Emily. She was standing there with her mouth hanging open.

"Close your mouth Em." Aiden said lightly recovering faster than me.

Emily seemed to hear him and shut her mouth. Then opened it again to ask "Were you two just..?" She let the ending fall off her question.

Aiden stepped closer to me, took my right hand and intertwined our fingers. "Yes, we were kissing." He said proudly. I could feel my cheeks redden as he said this.

Emily started to leave when she looked at our faces for the first time, then burst out laughing. I realized then that our faces must look quite funny. "What's up with your faces? Some knew kind of Camouflage? Where were you planning on hiding, next to a flamingo?" Emily asked when she had managed to stop laughing. Just.

"No, we were training." Emily burst out laughing. Each time Aiden tried to explain she would burst out laughing.

I led Emily into her room while Aiden washed his face. When she had calmed down i said "I had to find something in here as training. I found it was rigged to give me an electric shock. I decided to have some fun and re-rig it with paint and got Aiden to get it." I told her.

"How'd you think of that?" Emily asked.

"Spur of the moment." I replied, shrugging.

"How'd you get it on your face? The paint i mean." Emily asked. I just raised a brow that basically meant do i really have to spell it out? She got it and started to turn red "Oh." I just laughed.

Aiden came out of the bathroom and i went in. It only took a few minutes to get the paint off because it was still wet. When i came out Emily wasn't there but Aiden was sitting on the bed tickling max. It made my heart skip a beat, Aiden looked like he was having as much fun as max.

I walked over and Aiden looked up and said "Emily's just gone to prepare the next part of your training." I nodded and sat down next to him. Max climbed into my lap and whispered "Save me from the tickle monster." I laughed and while we waited for Emily we played hide and seek with the tickle monster.

My next training assignment was outside. I had to learn how to follow trails. I wouldn't say I was bad at this but I definitely wouldn't say I was good. All I can say is I wish I had a werewolves sense of smell, it definitely would have helped.

After failing to track we spent a couple of how's practicing how to recognize one and how to follow it but by the end of it I was ready to drop.

Aiden insisted that I needed to get something to eat after all the training we had done today. All I wanted to do was go back to my room, crawl under my duvet and let sleep wash over me but that wasn't going to happen until Aiden saw me eat.

We went to the kitchen and i fell asleep while waiting for Donald to make whatever it was Aiden told him.

"You really are tired, aren't you?" Aiden stated rather than asked.

"Yeah." I said after yawning for a minute.

His eyebrows pulled together with worry. I couldn't understand why he was worried, after all I had been up since 5am and it was now 8pm, surely this was understandable.

Before I could give voice to my thought's i was lifted off my seat by two strong arms and carried out of the kitchen.

I heard someone saying something about sleep, but couldn't make out what exactly. Did they want me to sleep? Probably, and I was soooo tired. I decided that was probably what they were saying and let my heavy, lead, shutter like eyes close, blocking everything else out other than bliss filled sleep.


I woke up feeling stiff, as if I had lain in the same position for too long. I opened to my eyes to be greeting by the harsh light coming from a fluorescent tube light above me.

I waited for my eyes to adjust and was about to look around the room when two blue orbs of light appeared in front of my face. I realized I was looking into Aiden's eyes.

"Cora, how are you feeling?" He asked moving back a little bit and helping me sit up.

"Stiff but not tired." I told him getting comfortable. Then I asked "Where am i?"

He looked reluctant to tell me then must have realized I would find out one way or another "Cora, you were only that tired because someone had tried to poison you and almost succeeded."


Thanks for reading and let me know what you think x

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