Chapter Four

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Sam's P.O.V.

I sat down in my seat, not wanting anyone to see my face an extremely deep shade of crimson. Fuck you, Dom, I thought as I sat in my seat quietly. When Mrs.Okami enters the room, no body was laughing anymore, so she has no clue whatsoever about what just happened. I didn't really feel like paying attention, so I just pulled out a small piece of notebook paper and began writing my "love" note to Yuki. This is what I came up with:

Dear Yuki,

You may not know who I am, but I just wanted to let you know that I really, really like you. Today is the day I would like to confess my love for you. Please meet me on the bridge at the waterfall closest to the school right after school ends. Thank you! <3


As soon as I finished, the bell rang. I felt much better now for some reason. When I looked over at Taurtis, he had his head in his arms laying down on top of the desk. "Ready to go, Taurtis?" I asked with a slight smile on my face. No response, he just kept his head down. "Taurtis?" I asked once again, nudging at his arm. Still nothing. Shit, did I do something? I thought, worriedly. I turned his head a bit and found that Taurtis was sleeping. That's why he's not responding. I thought, relieved that it wasn't because he was mad at me for some reason. I put my lips close up to his ear and then "TAURTIS!" I yelled into his ear. "WAIT, SAM I-" he yelled. Wait, what was he dreaming about? "Dude, what the hell?" He asked, slightly annoyed. I snapped out of my thoughts when he said this. "Sorry, you weren't waking up. Come on, we have to go to lunch." I responded. "Okay." He said with a yawn.

"Hey, I got to go do something, you go ahead to lunch. I'll find you." I told Taurtis once we reached the bottom of the stairs. "Alright." Was all I got before Taurtis walked off. Is he mad at me about something? Eh, probably just because of how I woke him up. I went up to my locker and pulled out the folded piece of paper. I had to give this to Yuki. Lucky for me, she was at her locker getting something. When she left, I quickly ran to her locker and slid the note inside through the holes at the top. After that I went to the lunch room to go eat with Taurtis.

When I reached the lunch room, I heard a couple of people snicker. What's going on? Just then that bearded girl from my first day came up to me. "Hey!" She said in a really flirty way. "Can I help you?" I asked a bit rudely. All she did was giggle. "I'm Invader." She said, still in that exact same flirty tone. It really annoyed me. "Cool?" I said, not really knowing if I should be running away or not. She was still smiling at me, but now she was way to close for my liking. I backed away a little bit, but all she did was come closer. Soon enough I was up against the wall, with this Invader girl right up next to me. She was still smiling. "No need to be worried, Sammy-Poo!" She giggled. "It's only me." "Exactly. That's why I'm a bit terrified." I responded, hoping she would get the jist of it and leave me alone. No such luck. "Oh, Sammy-Poo, your so funny!" She said with tiny giggles following. Ugh, someone help me. I thought. Then, as if someone heard my plead for help, I hear "Invader, Sam clearly doesn't want you next to him, so how about you fuck off?" When I looked to see who it was, I was relieved that it was Taurtis. "B..but.." was all she could say before Taurtis came up to her and pulled her away. She gave a dirty look to Taurtis, and then a loving look at me. She winked at me and then left. "Thanks, dude." I said. "No problem. Now lets go eat, I'm starving!"

"Alright, this is where we sit!" Taurtis exclaimed, taking a seat in front of J. "Oh, hey J! Haven't seen you in a while." I said, taking my seat next to Taurtis. "Hi, Sam!" J said, taking a sip from his Mountain Dew. I took out some carrots and started munching away happy now that that Invader girl was gone. When I looked up at Taurtis, he seemed a bit frustrated about something. But I couldn't tell what. Now I don't know why, but my thoughts trailed back to the end of Mrs.Okami's class when I was waking Taurtis up. 'WAIT, SAM I-' started playing in my head over and over again. What was he about to say? What had he been dreaming about? "Sam..." "Saaammmmm?" "SAM!" Someone screamed, snapping me out of my thoughts. I jumped. "Y..yes?" Was all I could muster out. "Sorry about scarring you, but right now we have to go to gym!" I heard J say. "Taurtis already went ahead. Now come on lets go!" He said, motioning with his hand for me to follow him.

Do You Love Me Or Not? (Samgladiator X Taurtis)Where stories live. Discover now