Chapter Twenty Two

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Taurtis' P.O.V.

Mrs. Okami along with the entire classroom gasped. "What? Show me where." Mrs. Okami instructed, following Hidden. Curious, everyone else followed him as well. Even Sam. He must have been the reason for that noise last night.... I thought as I ran to catch up with everyone who had left.

When we had reached the murder scene, everyone stopped dead in their tracks. "Oh my..." Mrs. Okami said under her breath. When Sam saw he instantly buried his face into my chest. I held onto him tightly, hiding my grin from everyone else. "Shh, it'll be okay, Sam..." I said to comfort him. I stroked his hair and ears, hopefully calming him down. Sam sniffled a bit. "Wh- who would do something like this...? And for what reason?" Sam cried into my shirt. I rubbed circles on his back. Mrs. Okami turned to face us. "School's dismissed... You students may head back to your houses. I'll have Rowan search the area for any sign of the murderer." She said a bit upset. Everyone nodded and headed back to their houses, either clung to someone or sobbing.

After Sam and I reached our house, we both went and sat down on the couch. "Why would someone murder Sookie and Soul? They never did anything to anyone!" Sam cried out, wiping away some of the tears that had fallen onto his cheek. Because they wanted to take you from me.... I thought as I saw Sam look down. I placed a hand on his shoulder, and he instantly looked up at me. Without warning, Sam hugged me tightly. "I'm just glad that it wasn't you..." He said, looking up at me. I smiled and kissed the top of his head lightly. He turned a rather light shade of pink before smiling back.

For a while, Sam and I just sat there, cuddling with the other. Then Sam sat up straight. "You okay, Sam?" I questioned him. He turned to face me and smiled. "Mhmm! It's just.. don't we still need to get your stuff from your house? I mean, you do live here now." Sam said, standing up. "Oh yeah.... I guess we can do that now!" I said as I stood up as well. He smiled lightly at me before taking hold of my hand and pulling me towards the front door.

A couple hours later, everything that was once at my house was finally put into my new one. Sam went over to the couch and laid down on it. I smirked lightly and walked over to him, sitting down on his lap. Sam looked up at me and blushed heavily. I grabbed Sam's hands, pulling him up to where he was sitting up straight. Sam was looking down, so I grabbed his chin and pulled his face closer to mine. Soon enough, my lips were on his, kissing him softly. I let go of Sam's hands and placed mine down on his hips, keeping the kiss intact. Sam lifted his hands and placed them on my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.

I bit Sam's bottom lip, asking for an entrance. He let me in, and I explored every inch that I could. My arms then crept around Sam's waist, and his around my neck. We parted for air, but didn't dare let go of the other. Sam smiled at me, put his head on my chest, and whispered "I love you, Taurtis." I smiled and said "I love you to, Sam. I'm so happy your mine." Sam's ears twitched lightly in my face, causing me to laugh slightly.

"Well, there's still plenty of time left for us to go do something, so if you have something in mind..." Sam said as he got out from under me and stood up. I thought for a minute. "How about a date? We haven't had one yet." I suggested. Sam smiled and nodded. "Sounds like fun. Where?" He asked me. I pondered for a minute before I finally had a good idea. "Follow me, I know where we can go." I told him. "Where?" Sam questions, taking hold of my hand. I smiled at him. "That's for me to know, and you to find out."

I smiled as Sam and I approached the movie theatre. It wasn't quite in view yet, but if you looked close enough you could see it. "May I know where we're going now?" Sam questioned me for what seemed to be the 1 millionth time. "Sam, stop asking me or else were just gonna go back to the house, alright? And besides, were almost there!" I said happily. Sam stopped asking after that.

A few more minutes went by and we were finally standing in front of the theatre. "Ooh, the movies!" Sam said excitedly. I smiled. "Yup! Now what movie do you wanna watch...?" I asked as I looked at the different movies that were showing. "Whichever is fine." Sam said as he looked at the different moves as well. "Hmm... What about this one?" I asked, pointing to a horror film. Sam just stared wide eyed, but nodded in agreement to the movie. "Great, lets go!" I said as I took hold of his hand. "Uh, two tickets for the horror film?" I asked Pete, who was standing behind the counter. "That'll be 24 Yen, please." Pete said as he stuck his hand out to grab the money. I handed him the owed amount and grabbed mine and Sam's ticket in return. "Alright, thank you, Pete!" I said as I handed Sam his ticket and dragged him to the assigned theatre.

I smiled as we took our seats, remembering the last time that Sam and I had watched a horror movie together. Him being cuddled up next to me for the first time ever was the absolute best! I looked over at Sam, who gave me a weak smile. I smiled back at him before focusing my gaze on the screen, which showed that the movie was getting ready to start.

Jump scare after jump scare, Sam would continuously hide his face behind my shoulder. As for me, I just sat there with an expression of boredom on my face. The movie was no where near scary, it was just plain boring. Finally, when I heard small whimpers comming from Sam, I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the theatre. "Gord, Sam. If your really that scared then we can just skip the rest of the movie and go out to eat. Sound good?" I asked him. He smiled slightly and nodded his head in agreement. I rolled my eyes playfully and dragged him out of the building. "Come on, lets go then.

Sam's P.O.V.

Taurtis and I were walking home from the restaurant, hand in hand, admiring the stars that shone above us. "So how do you think our date went?" Taurtis asked, looking at me. I smiled and let out a small giggle. "It was great, I loved it!" Taurtis smiled and I instantly smiled back. "Well I'm glad you liked it! Maybe we can go on another one soon?" Taurtis asked. I pondered for a bit. "Hmm.." I looked at Taurtis, and he has a worried look that shows that he thought I would say no. I giggled again. "It's a date!" I said, smiling. Taurtis let out a sigh of relief and smiled back.

When we made it to the house, I let out a small yawn to indicate that I was tired. "Aww, does Sammy need to take a nap?" Taurtis said, laughing slightly. I blushed lightly before rolling my eyes at him and flicking his nose. "Shut up, Taurtis... I'm just tired, that's all. Plus its like nine o' clock." I told him. "Yeah, I think imma go to bed too..." Taurtis said, getting ready to head up the stairs. "Wait, Taurtis!" I called out. "Yeah?" He asked, stopping at the first step. "Could you maybe... Sleep with me? That movie really scared me.." I said, looking down. Taurtis just let out a small laugh before walking over to me. "Damn, if that movie really scared you that much, then maybe we shouldn't have seen it." He said, putting one of his arms around my waist. I laughed too. "Yeah, maybe we shouldn't have seen that movie..."

I jolted up in my bed at the sound of thunder crashing. I looked next to me to find an empty space where Taurtis should've been. "T- Taurtis?" I called out, only to get the sound of the rain pouring down as a response. I shook slightly under the covers, watching the door in hopes that he would come back in any second now. Any second now.... Another crash sound was made and I threw the covers over my face in fear.

Maybe he's downstairs doing something..? I thought after a few minutes had passed. Yeah, that seems reasonable. I managed to gather enough courage to get up out of bed and walk down the stairs. I stopped at the bottom step, scanning the area that I could see. Some lightning struck, so I was able to see rather clearly with the light that it provided. I walked to the next room and looked around, finding no sign of Taurtis.

All of the sudden, I heard a door open. I turned around, only to find Taurtis standing there. But he looked different. His clothes were covered in a dark red, along with some parts of his skin. He was twitching a bit, and holding a red stained knife. And his eyes. They were a deep blood red. "T- Taurtis..?" I managed to squeak out. He looked at me wide eyed for a brief second before he dropped his knife. He sighed. "Ah shit." was all I heard before I fell to the floor, losing consciousness.

Woo!! I is back!! I'm feeling somewhat better, so das good!!! And oh my freaking gord, 2.1k views?!?!? Two Point One Freaking Thousand Views? Did not think I would get dat far! How I did is just a mystery to me! Thank you everyone for this!! Alright, welp, see you peoples later!


Exactly 1,700 words. Very satisfying to me.

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