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Hunting out in the woods while zombies existed. Or Croats. Depends on if you remember the first apocalypse. I stepped lightly, bending down to inspect the trail of this deer I was tracking. I finally spotted the creature grazing in the small clearing close to my camp. I raised my bow, while nocking an arrow and pulling it back. I aimed. Then fired.

Apparently, I wasn't the only person who was hunting.

Another arrow, more specifically a bolt with green and white feathers, pierced the other side of the deer. I immediately prepared to take this person down.

Marie Winchester, the adopted child of John Winchester, never gives up her kills.

I stalked over to the deer, on high alert, and tore the foreign arrow from the carcass. "Get your ass out here. I know you're there," I growled.

I heard a grunt and some shuffling from behind a tree to my left. A gruff, male voice that had the famous southern twang from Georgia sounded from the same tree. "The hell? Tha's ma deer, lady."

I looked over at the man, expecting the usual Georgian redneck to come stomping over here. I wasn't surprised to see a rugged looking man wearing a stained beige wife-beater. He stomped over to me and held his hand out. I handed him the arrow, then walking over to the deer, I lifted it onto my shoulders. I began walking back towards my camp when the man, who had been standing there in shock, finally speak. "Where you goin' with ma deer, woman?"

"To my camp, what's it look like, bitch?" I replied, snarkily. I continued walking, listening to the leaves crunch underneath his feet while my footsteps stayed completely silent. I got to my camp and field dressed the deer. I kept its pellet, deciding to make something with it in the future. I packed everything up and slung it all on my back. I looked over at the man questioningly. "Why in the hell did you follow me?"

The man shrugged. "I dunno. Was curious?" He said this, but it seemed more like a question to me.

I smirked and leaned against a tree. "Did you just want me to keep you company?" I looked around in the woods. "It looks like you're alone. Do you have a camp of some sort?"

He just looked at me and nodded, then started walking in the opposite direction from where he shot the deer. We walked for about four hours before I stopped and made him carry the deer the rest of the way. "What's yer name?"

I looked up. "Marie Winchester," I answered. In the beginning of the apocalypse, or the second apocalypse, I had decided to be completely truthful about my life. "What 'bout you?"

"Daryl. Daryl Dixon. Where you from?"

I raised my eyebrow. "What is this, 20 questions?" He rolled his eyes. "I'm from Lawrence, Kansas. What did you do before all of this?"

"Nothin' important. You?" He asked.

"I hunted the supernatural."

He stopped, turned around, and looked me straight in the eyes. "Yer dad John Winchester, right?"

My eyes widened at this. "Adopted father, but yes. Why?"

He grunted and kept walking. "He saved my life once, brother's too. I fixed up his cars whenever he messed 'em up. Helped him with a couple hunts once in a while. I heard 'bout his death. I'm sorry bout yer pa."

I just patted his back and nodded my head. "Yeah, thanks. So am I."

A slightly awkward silence settled in the air around us as he took me to his camp.

When we walked into the camp, Daryl left me standing by the fire with the deer on my back. I shrugged and sat down on a lawn chair after placing the deer on some kind of picnic table thing. I was trying to not fidget in my seat when Daryl came back, and he began skinning the squirrels that were tied to the string that hung across his back. I saw a man with shaggy brown hair walk up to me out of the corner of my eye. He looked between me and Daryl with a confused expression written across his face.

"And who is this Daryl?" The man asked, his eyes raking up and down my body. I did a quick assessment of the dude. Brown hair, dark brown eyes, strong build. He held himself with an authority that everybody would recognize immediately.  I narrowed my eyes. A cop. I kept my cool stature, whilst preparing myself for a fight. Ever since the Leviathans posed as me and my brothers, killing hundreds of people across the U.S., we weren't exactly what you call 'friendly' with cops.

Daryl was obviously ignoring him completely so I decided to introduce myself. "Marie Winchester. Who are you?"

The man narrowed his eyes and tensed up. "Shane Walsh. King's County Deputy."

I grinned when he introduced himself as a cop. "Oh boy. You must definitely know who I am, don't you?"

Shane took a step closer, putting a hand on his gun. He glanced at the group that was slowly surrounding us, gauging their reactions. I didn't react, knowing that this was the best course of action. I quickly bowed my head and prayed to Castiel to get his assbutt down here asap. 

"Marie?" I looked up to see the group staring at something behind me in shock. I smirked and turned around to catch glimpse of the familiar baby blue eyes, raven-black hair, and beige trench coat. I threw my arms around him. "Cas, my good friend! How ya been buddy?"

He cocked his head to the side. "Where have you been? Dean, Sam, and I have been looking across the country to find you. I have been good. Who are these people?"

"This is the group that I joined. I only know three people here currently. Daryl, his brother Merle, and Shane, the cop who wants to kill me."

Cas looked up at Shane with a dark gleam in his eyes. I placed my hand on his chest, subtly letting him know that he doesn't need to deal with it. The group kept looking at him in shock. Castiel looked around at the rest of them, suddenly focusing on one woman with greyish hair, holding a girl who looked around 12 years old. "You have great faith. Carol, you are a believer, are you not?"

The woman, Carol, nodded her head carefully. "H-how do you k-know my name?"

"I am an angel of the Lord. I can see that you will be special in the future towards this group," He looked around. "Keep her safe."

"So where are you guys held up Cas?"

"At the camp. Remember the one you and Dean visited when Zachariah sent you both into the future?"

"Yeah, how far is that from here?"

"About a days drive."

"Alright, tell them I'll be there soon."

"Why not let me zap you there?" He asked, about to put two fingers to my head. 

I stopped him before he touched me. "Dad knew Daryl and Merle. I need them to come with us. They're strong. This whole group is strong, if ya ask me."

"Okay. They will probably come straight here, I won't stop them."

"That's fine with me."

"See you very soon, Marie." 

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