Chapter 17

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Nobody. Was. Here.

Obviously, now I'm pissed the hell off. I hear growls from outside and I feel my inner demon emerge. I grin. "Time to play boys."

I unsheathe my hunting knife and my sword, then run outside. I haven't been this angry in a long time. I felt something that could only be described as bloodlust. I see that there is a herd passing through the small clearing. There are about 15 walkers, which makes me laugh in excitement.

I race towards the small herd and unleash myself. I feel graceful as I take out walkers after walker. Dispatching them with a precise headshot every time. I'm still angry, so I put my swords away for the last three walkers. I want blood.

The simpleness of taking out a walker with a blade is too clean. I walk up to the closest one and push it down to the ground and stomp on its head. The second one I punch it so hard in the face that my hand literally touches their brain. I grab it and pull it out, throwing it to the ground. I focus in on the last one. I slowly walk up to it and grab it's neck.

A strange power comes over me and I feel strength flood my muscles. I dig my fingernails through the soft flesh and grab it's spine. I rip out the spine and the head comes with it. I swing the spine like a bat and smash the head onto the tree next to me. I then get out my throwing knives and start throwing them. I count them at the same time. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. The sound of the knives hitting the tree calms me down enough to stop my raging bloodlust. I take a deep breath and grab my knives from the tree.

I begin placing them back into their holsters, when I hear a familiar cock of a gun. I swirl around and two knives are in my hands, already being thrown. One at the gunman's arm the other at the gun itself. I dive towards the man and push him on the ground. I bring a third knife to the man's throat and growl, "Who are you?"

The man grins and points behind me and I roll backwards and knock another guy on his ass. I stand up and take my guns out of their holsters and point one at each man's head. "Who are you?" I repeat.

"We are Negan."

"I mean who are you individually? And where do you come from?" I question. "What do you want from me?"

They look surprised. Obviously, they weren't expecting somebody to have outsmarted them so quickly. I roll my eyes and lower my guns, knowing that they won't be threats anymore. I step forward and hold out my hands. The glance at each other before grabbing them and letting me help them stand up. I walk to the man that I threw my knives at. "Hold out your arm please."

The guy frowns. "What?"

"I need to check if I got you with my throwing knives. I have a first aid kit that I can help you with. Hold out your arm please." I roll my eyes.

The guy slowly gives me his arm and I pull up his sleeve revealing a small gash. I nod and assess that this only needs a couple stitches. I grab my bag from where I left it in the barn and come back out with my small first aid kit. I clean the needle with a wipe and look up at guy #1. "You need a couple stitches, can I help you with this?" I politely ask him.

He nods, so I begin stitching his arm. "What are your names?" I ask, causally.

The first guy who has some kind of mustache replies first with a small grunt of pain. "My actual name is Simon, the other one is Mark. Who are you?"

I glance up at him and reply carefully, "Marie Winchester. You can refer to me as Mars though."

Simon nods, and we resume our silence. I bandage his gash and put away my kit before grabbing my bag and building up a fire. I've decided to not bring Morgan into this and just let him think I'm still hunting. I look over at Simon and Mark who are both still staring at me with slight concern in their eyes. I raise an eyebrow. "Are you guys staying for dinner or what? I have enough food for all of us. As long as you don't mind rabbit and squirrel."

A rustling sounds from some bushes next to us and I shoot an arrow into the head of a rattlesnake. I quickly decapitate it and clean the body then place it over the fire. I grin and look up at the two men who are now sitting near the fire. "Now snake is on the menu for dinner tonight. Ever had it?"

Simon shook his head, "Nope. Not once." Mark stayed silent the entire time.

We all sit there in awkward silence before I break the tense situation with a casual question. "So who exactly is Negan? He obviously is your leader, but why isn't he here?"

I hear a dark chuckle from behind me before a leather-clad hand grips the back of my neck, making me tense up.

"Who says he isn't here?"

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