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Instead of tackling his upper body, I grabbed his legs. The force made his back hit the ground and had the wind knocked out of him. I pinned him to the ground, laughing. He quickly recovered and kicked me in the stomach, causing me to begin breathing heavily, trying to recover. By the time I took in a breath, he was on top of me. I elbowed his face and he rolled off of me. We both stood up and started throwing punches. He threw an uppercut and I blocked it, using the momentum to twist him around and flip him on the ground. He stayed on the ground this time,  breathless from the wind being knocked out of him. I offered him a hand, and he grabbed it, pulling himself up and I tried giving him a noogie.

"Dude. You're out of practice. Either that, or, more likely, I'm just freaking amazing," I smirked. "Also, I did use a new tact. I went at you first instead of the other way around. But you still need more practice."

I looked over at Rick and Shane. "You guys probably know Sam and Dean Winchester, y'know, the other wanted people."

Shane's expression turned to stone while Rick just stared at us in shock. The African american man, T-Dog, came up to me and shook my hand. "Remind me not to get on your bad side," he whispered in my ear. I started cracking up. "Trust me, at this rate, y'all will be a'right in my book."

I turned back to Sam and Dean. "Let's talk. C'mon," I looked over at Daryl, Rick and Shane. "You guys too. You seem to be the three big guys in this camp. Well, besides me obviously."

I walked down to the quarry, listening to the rocks crunching under our feet. "So as you guys know, we have a camp. This camp has enough room for all of y'all to come. It's safe. I was thin-"

"How do you know that it's safe?" Shane questioned. "Has it fa-"

Dean cut him off. "It has. About six months ago I was sent to the future by this angel, Zachariah. Real awful son of a bitch too. He showed me a different kind of apocalypse. But one like this. It was four years into the future. My future self had set up at this camp. It was safe, protected. And now it's serving us in this apocalypse. Bring your camp with us."

I looked at my older brother, and shook my head. "When did you get so mature Dean-o?"

He looked over at me and smirked. "Since you left, Mars."

Daryl looked over at me. "I'm comin' with ya. Merle too."

I nodded my head, then looked over at Rick and Shane. "Talk it over, take your time. I would consider telling your group and letting them decide for themselves. If ya wanna talk, I'll be in the Impala listening to music. If ya wanna join, you can."

I stalked off to the Impala before remembering something drastic. I turned around. "Dean! Keys."

He rolled his eyes, and shuffled through his pockets. He threw me the keys and I caught them while turning around and started running up the hill. I got to his car and started it, hearing the beautiful sound of his black 1967 Chevy Impala engine. I found the exact cassette tape that this droid was definitely looking for. I forwarded the album to my favorite song, and turned up the music so it was pretty loud. The windows were down and I was yelling the lyrics to Seven Nation Army by the White Stripes, doing the air guitar. 

I'm gonna fight 'em off

A seven nation army couldn't hold me back

They're gonna rip it off

Taking their time right behind my back

And I'm talking to myself at night

Because I can't forget

Back and forth through my mind

Behind a cigarette

And the message coming from my eyes

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