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I woke up to something pleasantly warm on my back. I also felt an arm around my waist, holding me there. I turned around to be faced with a sleeping Daryl. His usually hard features were softened, making him seem peaceful and innocent. His mouth was slightly opened, and he was snoring softly. I brushed his hair out of his eyes, then got a brilliant idea. I started to lick around his face, making his eyes flutter open. When they opened completely, I licked his cheek. His face scrunched up, but he didn't let me go. "The hell woman! I was sleeping. And why did you lick me?"

I shrugged. "I dunno," I started squirming around, trying to get free. Daryl just smirked and pulled me closer to him. "Let go of me, you big galoot!" I laughed. He rolled over on top of me and straddled my midriff, pinning my hands underneath is knees. I kept squirming, but stopped when he lowered his head closer to my face. I felt my face heat up, and I started squirming even more. He delicately placed his hands on my hips and I squealed with laughter. "S-stop! I'm ticklish!"

He grinned evilly, and started to move his fingers even more. I was gasping for breath, when the door opened and Sam entered the room. I looked over Daryl's shoulder. "Sam! Help me!" I wheezed out, tears streaming down my face from laughter. He raced over and Daryl jumped off of me, running out the door at full speed. I raced after him, and we made it into the kitchen. I jumped, and landed on his back. Daryl lost his footing, and fell on his stomach. I started to tickle his sides, but I found that he wasn't ticklish. I saw Merle and Carol enter the room. I called Merle over while sitting on a squirming Daryl. "He isn't ticklish on his sides. I need to get revenge for tickling me. How do I do this?" I asked.

He chuckled at my childish antics. "He hates it when you hide his crossbow."

I jumped off of Daryl and ran down the hall. I passed Rick and Shane. "Guys please do me a favor, don't let Daryl follow me, thanks!" I lunged into the room and grabbed the crossbow. I raced into Dean's room. "Dean!" He jolted under the covers and sat up. "Morning!" I said with a grin. He frowned and looked at the weapon in my hands. "Daryl did something didn't he?" he asked. I ran towards his closet and shoved the crossbow in it. I threw a couple of blankets on it, making it seem inconspicuous. I jumped on Dean's bed, and lied down. Dean started to get dressed when Daryl burst in, his face bright red. "The hell is wrong with you! Where is it?!" I looked at him with no emotion. "I have no idea where it is," I lied smoothly. His face scrunched up in a scowl, then he pounced on me. He held my hands above my head, straddling my hips. Dean looked at us and smirked, waggling his eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes, then started thrashing around. Dean laughed and walked out of the room. Perfect. I thought.

I stopped thrashing and blew some of my red hair out of my face. I looked into Daryl's Georgian blue eyes. He was staring at me with a furious expression, but there was a sparkle of laughter in his eyes. His face suddenly softened. He held both of my wrists with one hand, and brushed the rest of my hair away from my face. I never broke eye contact. He leaned down and my eyes closed involuntarily. His nose brushed mine. I could feel his hesitancy, so I took the leap of faith and pressed my lips gently on his. His started moving and I could feel mine moving on their own accord. I could feel fireworks going off in my stomach, making me smile into the kiss. He let go of my hands and I moved them to his long hair, playing with the hairs at the base of his neck. He cupped my cheeks gently, and I could feel his smile slightly too. He pulled away for breath and I looked into his eyes. I smiled at him and the corners of his mouth twitched up. I didn't want to make anything awkward between us, so I asked the question now. "Are we a couple? Or was this a one-time thing? I don't really want it to be a one-time thin-" I started rambling only to be cut off with a pair of lips on mine once again. Daryl pulled away and smiled. "Yer mine," He stated gruffly. I smiled then pushed him off, suddenly hungry.

I walked into the kitchen after getting dressed in a black tanktop, black jeans, and a red and black flannel. The classic Winchester look. I sat next to Daryl and he grabbed my hand. I was eating when Gabe popped up next to me. I looked at him and held out my hand. "Candyman!" He rolled his eyes but another MilkyWay appeared in my hand. I opened it and split it into three pieces. I gave one to Sophia and Carl, who snarfed it down before their mothers could take them away. I saw Daryl looking at the candy bar longingly, so I broke off a piece for him. He grinned and kissed my cheek. I blushed and looked down at my food. I heard someone clear their throat, and looked up to see Dean and Sam grinning and nodding their heads in approval. We all finished dinner and Jenner led us into the main computer room. I looked at the clock and saw it at the one hour mark. I let Jenner finish his presentation on the disease before grabbing Daryl's hand and yelling to the group. "Guys we need to get out of here before that clock hits zero."

Rick placed a heavy hand on my shoulder. "What happens when the clock reaches zero?"

I frowned. "The place blows up. Jenner! Let's go!"

He shook his head. "No. I'm staying here. I wanna be with her," He looked at the screen.

I heard Andrea speak from next to me. "TS-19 was your wife?"

He nodded. I ran out the door with Daryl on my heels. I heard a clanking sound behind me and saw that the door had shut and there was a severed hand in Carol's hand. I heard yelling from the other side. I looked to Carol who was practically sobbing. "Who's hand was it?"

She looked at me with tears running down her face. "Merle's."

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