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Daryl shot a squirrel with his bow, and went to grab it. I couldn't stop staring at him on his horse, he actually looked pretty hot on it. He looked back at me and smirked. "Like what ya see, princess?" He huskily asked.

I nodded. "Yup."

He nodded. "Let's go, pretty planet."

I scoffed. "Pretty planet? Where did that come from?" I asked with a confused expression.

He was looking me up and down, obviously not hearing me. I coughed, and his eyes shot up to mine. A faint blush appeared on his cheeks. I grinned from ear to ear. "Like what ya see, princess?" I asked, mocking him. He just rolled his eyes and looked away, too embarrassed to say anything. I giggled and moved forward, away from him. "C'mon, loverboy! We got a little girl ta catch!" I waved him over towards me and he caught up quickly. We made idle conversation until we found the little cabin. I hopped down off of my horse, and ran silently towards the house. We went inside and cleared it. I had found a walker hanging from the ceiling upstairs. I ignored him and walked downstairs. I saw a flash of strawberry-blonde hair speeding away from the cabin outside. I looked around for Daryl, only to see him yelling Sophia's name. 

"Daryl! Marie!" I heard a higher-pitch voice squeal from outside. I ran to the door in the back, and kicked it open. Sophia ran towards me and wrapped her arms around my legs. I picked her up and felt her burrow her face into my neck. Warm tears fell onto my neck, soaking my shoulder. I felt warm arms wrap around us, and Daryl squeezed the both of us. I looked down at Sophia and saw that she was skinnier than last time. After a few minutes, Daryl and Sophia finally let go of me. I slowly stood up and grabbed a can of sardines from inside my messenger bag. I opened them up and gave them to Sophia. Daryl handed her an opened waterbottle and she quickly downed the food and drink given to her. 

"Let's get ya back to yer mom," I whispered. Daryl nodded and picked her up, carrying her back to the horses. We started to head back to the farm, us filling Sophia in on what happened, and her telling her tale of adventure. She was in the middle of telling us how she almost got bit in the shoulder by a walker but she stopped it due to the knife I gave her, when we arrived at the stables. We got off the horses and put them back in their separate stalls. I squatted down to give Sophia a piggieback ride. She jumped on and I stood up tall. I started walking towards the RV when I saw a certain someone run towards me.

"SOPHIA!" I saw Carl running towards us. He was only allowed to walk around when I had woken up, I guess that he was much better now. "YOU'RE HOME!!" His shouts alerted the rest of the camp. Their heads shot up, and everybody's faces(including Shane's) filled with joy. Carol was nowhere to be seen, but I'm sure that she would come out soon.

While all of this was happening, Sophia was struggling to get off of me. I promptly released her, and she smoothly dropped to the ground and opened her arms for a hug from Carl. Everybody else ran over to us and everybody gave the malnourished girl a hug. People gave Daryl and I pats on the back or hugs in my case. We started walking towards the house, when Sophia asked an important question. "Where's my mom?" Her voice was full of innocence.

I nodded my head, curious to where the friendly gray-haired lady went. "Yeah. Where's Carol?" I looked around and noticed one other person missing. "And Merle?" I looked around and saw Merle emerge from the RV, his eyes rimmed with red, as if he was crying earlier. He looked towards me and then down at Sophia. His eyes widened and I saw fresh tears well in his eyes. He stumbled towards Sophia with arms outstretched. I heard a sniffle come from Sophia, and saw her dart past us and into Merle's opened arms. He fell to the ground with the little girl in his arms, clutching to her as if the devil himself would snatch her from him. I saw their shoulders shaking and I realized that Merle was crying. So was Sophia, but Merle was crying. I stood there watching the emotional reunion between the two.

I heard the creak of the RV door, then a slam as it shut. I saw a sniffling figure shuffle around the RV towards the commotion. I grinned, waiting for Carol to notice Merle and Sophia standing up. Carol emerged from the shadow of the large metal house, and her gaze fixated on Sophia. Her jaw dropped, and she fell to her knees. I watched as Sophia walked towards Carol, her speed increasing quickly. She lunged towards her mother and collapsed into her arms. I felt a few warm drops on my cheeks, and I brought my hand up to my left cheek. I wiped the sudden tears away and started to walk towards Sam and Dean who had appeared from behind the house in deep conversation.

"Sammy, Deano," I pointed behind me at Sophia and Carol. "Look who's back."

They smiled and looked at each other. Sam was the first one to speak. "We were just talking about how we knew that you would be the one to find her now that you're awake."

Dean nodded. "And looks like we were right about that."

They walked towards the lost daughter of Carol and gave her hugs. I walked back towards the stable and started to brush the horses. I started humming random tunes that were stuck in my head before suddenly getting an idea. I ran up to my brothers and tapped them on the shoulders. They both turned around before raising one of their eyebrows in confusion. "Hey, I wanna make a run into town. I bet that there are some medical things and maybe even some weapons."

They nodded and we headed towards the Impala. I felt a hand grab my shoulder and spin me around. Daryl looked at me with some irritation in his eyes. "Where ya goin' princess?" He gruffly asked.

I shrugged. "I'm going on a supply run with Sam and Dean, wanna come?" I replied with a grin.

His eyes lit up like a candle. "Yea, tha' sounds good."

We hopped into the Impala and sped towards the closest town.


Hey munchkins! It's Sofie. I wanted to say thanks to WolfDemon55 for voting on my story and being one of the first to comment. You really made making this story worth it! Knowing that somebody actually finds your story interesting, besides yourself of course, helps a ton with keeping the cursed writers block away. Thank you so much! I might not update as much as I used to, because my life has just gotten wayyy busier, but I will still try.

Anyways, Vote, Comment, maybe even Follow. Ciao Munchkins! :)

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