Regular Day

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Dear Diary
Today i went to school like always... It was like a regular day... Like always. Like fucking always. Well we had to do a pop quiz and of course i was the angel of the class. Like always. So it was a regular normal boring fucking day. Like always.
I wanted to say it's always like this and i know it might be boring to say a million fucking times 'like always' all the time.
But today Juliet, one of the bitches in our school and my number one bullist ( that's  how it's written? ) broke up from Andy. He is a metalhead and he's my crush since... A lot... But it doesn't matter as long as he stays with all te other bitches and fuckboys.
Actually he never bullied me... I realized that he wasn't that kind of guy, but he doesn't want to be against them.
Who am I kidding???!!! He doesn't even know who i am and he is a fuckboy... And i think he bullies the others.
What does a crush or love do to your mind? It's weird... You blame everybody else except the guy that you like... Or love... Even if it's his fault but it's you who don't want to believe that it's him... He is the problem.
But I'm not that of girl. I always think before i do anything... I really don't want to get hurt.
Nah! I never did that cause nobody did hurt me but also I didn't have anybody that could hurt me.
As i said some nights before i am all alone in this fucked up world.
I was going back home today... Or should i say back to prison... And i saw Andy but he was being followed by Juliet!! And she was begging him not to break up, but he turned his head and shouted " It's over Juliet leave me alone!! " she lost her consciousness and fell on the ground, crying, shouting. I was right behind her when she got up and saw me, she pushed me and laughed. I fell in the middle of the street and a car almost crossed me over. I almost died today... Why didn't i die? Stupid fate...

Heyden Rene B.

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