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Dear Diary

I am stuck in here in my room and i am in a doubt if in my other life i was Anne Frank. Well, at least she died in the end, even tho she didn't want to. I was just thinking... I am kinda similar like her, only in a more modern time. And i don't have my parents. And she had more friends than me. 

Let's skip this. I wrote that because i know that nobody will read this junk. 

Oh! I forgot! Today i was at school. Of course! The principal asked for my parents to come because some students reported my "strange" routine. The principal thought i was a drug addict or something. But i don't really care. Cause i know i am not. 

I know who the drug addicts are. The ones that reported me. They reported other kids too, they want to hide. 

Do you know who they are? Of course not!! It is Juliett and Andy, who got back together, and also everyone else from their group. I think their names are Taylor, Nicki, Christie and also some other boys that I really don't remember their names. 

No i am not a stalker. I wasn't following Andy or something. I have heard them talking about buying drugs and making +18 parties because some of them knew a place where the police didn't go too much to control. This is kind of a mess, you know?

I think i will find out tomorrow about them. Or maybe not. I don't know. My future is never clear for me. I can never make plans for my future. Who knows what happens till' tomorrow? Well for one thing i am sure.

I'll find out who made the fool out of me, and reported me on the fucking principal. We will see, how slowly i reached the top. We will see how many i did handle and how fast they will beg me for their forgiveness. I AM NOT A TOY!!! I CAN FIGHT FOR MYSELF!!! I WILL MAKE EVERYONE PAY!!! I WILL.

Heyden Renee B.


Hey my lovely Readers!!

I really hope you enjoy this chapter! Sometimes i think i should delete some stories because i suck at writing but anyway i will give it a shot. Also i am thinking to start a new horror story but i didn't think about it too much so i am not really sure about it...

Anyway i love you all and thanks for reading my stories, i hope you really like them!!


Renee Pattinson Biersack a.k.a Eni Renee Hoxha  

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