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Dear Diary
I'm scared. So so fucking scared. I don't know what to do.
Well... I came home today and the people that take care of me ( I think their names are Cornie and Justin ) told me that somebody fired them and they don't have money anymore.
They wanted me to start a job but not a regular one... I'm ashamed to say it...
They wanted me to be whore and all because i was cute and they would take money from it.
It's becoming really regular today but I don't wanna do it, I don't, I don't.
I'm leaving from this hell... I don't wanna live here anymore.
But i got no money, no food, no friends. I got nothing.
Really Diary. I'm running away. I can find a place to sleep. I really must go now. I'm taking some things that I'll need and I'll find a way to jump from the window.
I'll talk to you a soon as i find a place.

Heyden Renee B.

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