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"Wait so your brother what?" Calum asks once more as he drives to Mom's house.

"Stop talking and drive." I stress.

My brother hasn't got in a gang fight in forever. I knew he was going to get really hurt one day, but I remember summer 09 which was the last fight he was in.

Flashback •

"Juan!" I laugh with him as we were walking the streets of L.A.

Our parents would often get into fights so we would sometimes just leave instead of crying, like I did.

"What just imagine if girls had dick fingers!" He says again and I push him playfully.

We all of a sudden hear a loud bang and see two guys with guns walk up to Juan.

"Darcy go in that store," He points and I just look at him, "Darcy go!"

I run into the nearest store and see my brother pull out a gun and begin shooting. The men yell something into his face and he freezes getting shot in the foot causing him to fall and another bullet is shot into his shoulder.

"Someone call 911!" I shout in the store as the men run. I run out the store seeing blood coming out of his mouth. "JUAN!"

(That night.)

My brother was sent to the hospital and we were informed he would stay there for 3 days. He made a promise not to start trouble again.

Flashback over •

"Darcy Hello? We're here." Calum shakes me out of my daze.

"Oh yeah." I say opening my door walking to my house, before I knock the door swings open and my mom hugs me but I don't hug her back.

"Oh and who is this?" She asks in a kinda rude tone.

"This is Calum a friend," I mumble stepping in the house, "I didn't come here to drink some tea okay? What happened to Juan?"

"I haven't seen my daughter in 2 months, I'm going to hug you." She laughs trying to lighten the mood but I don't laugh.

"Tell me."

"He got in gang fight. I kicked him out because I don't want that traced back to my house." She scoffs.

"You left Juan? God Joanna-"

"Don't call me by my first name." She cuts me off.

"You're not my mother so why not?" I ask. She is my real mom but doesn't act like it.

"Darcy..." Calum warns and I give him a glare.

"You've never been there for me Johanna! When it was the anniversary of my father's death you didn't call me! When I cut myself until I was 16 you said it was a silly girl thing! It wasn't! I had real mental problems the reason I'm unstable now is because of you! I maybe still have depression and you wouldn't care! You never did!" I shout in my mother's face and shs looks surprised, so does Calum.

"I think we should go see your brother now." Calum mumbles.

"I just wanna see my room the we can go." I say back turing to go upstairs.

I hear Calum behind me and quite sobs from my mother. I go to the right which was my room. It had pictures of my favorite bands everywhere. I go look in my closet and I'm suprised at what I see. I never went in here after I turned seventeen, now I know why.

There were writings on the wall saying things like :

"I wanna go away"

"I wonder how love feels"

"Dad is drinking again"

"My mom hates me"

I was such a sad kid. I remember people saying how happy I looked, that they wanted to be me. I hated myself so much. I look over at Calum and he gives me a hug.

"Love is a magical thing. You will feel it soon." Calum whispers.

"I was so sad."

"Everyone is sad. You just need to learn how to cope with it and know it's okay to be sad." Calum says.

My mother looks at us from the door way as I try to get myself together. I walk out of my room lightly pushing past my mother and feel Calum right behind me. I don't say goodbye to my mom instead I just walk out of the house going into Calums car.

"I don't wanna see my brother just yet. Do you wanna go to Goodwill?" I ask Calum as he pulls out of the driveway.

"Totally there is a CD shop next to it; I wanna get some new records." Calum says.

I plug in my oxcord and turn on where do broken hearts go by One Direction. I love 1d so much it's a problem. I look over and Calum who has an annoyed look. He says he doesn't really like this kinda music but I know he loves it.

"I know you love this song! Sing with me! But I just don't know where do broken hearts go!" I shout/sing.

"Oh fine I do!" Calum laughs and sings with me.


"Calum, I found a pink baseball hat!" I shout from the other side of the store.

Calum walks over to me looking at the hat. The hat says mom on it which I thought was funny because I have a blue dad hat.

"I want it. Oh and I got you a cream t-shirt because I know you have been wanting one." Calum gives me a toothy smile.

(CD shop)

"I finally found a cte record." Calum sighs smiling

"Oh well I already have it," I smirk showing him the record in my hand. "Also I found a Led Zeppelin one so HA!"

"Well let's get some CDs before we go." Calum suggests.

I got over to the CD stand and bent down to get one and then hear the sound of a camera go off. I look over to see Calum took a picture of me. I laugh taking the camera and see me.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because even though you are looking for a CD, you still look peaceful," He explains and I blush. "Awe your cheeks are getting red but they are always red!."

"Shut up," I laugh, "I got this CD for my brother."

"Then let's go talk to your brother now." Calum says and I nod.

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