Chapter 29

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I stood in line at the airport my passport in my hand, Harry standing behind me, Louis beside me. Liam was here also. Zayn was staying behind to spend some time with Perrie and Niall was over in the food court. didn't surprise me.

I couldn't say that i wasn't nervous, because I was, for 2 reason's. One beging he reason that i was going to America, and i have never been there before. What would it be like? We where going to California, i heard it was nice there, there were beachs and stuff. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

But i was also nervous about the fact of even doing this. I had never fought against anyone, besides Harry. And look how that turned out. I was just hoping i wouldn't suck. But i had the strong feeling i was. I never did this before, this was my first time, i was going to lose, i was going to get hit so much that i was going to fall to the ground and beg for mercy. I didn't want it to happen, i didn't like the way it sounded in my head, but i knew something like that was going to happen, i could feel it.

"Hey," I turned and Harry was staring at me with worried eyes.

"You ok?" I nodded and turned back around. If i don't let him look at my eyes long enough, he won't know. Right? That had to be it.

"I know your nervous," How the hell does he do that? I turned slightly and looked up at him. His arm wrapped around my  waist and his face moved down and rested in the crook of my neck. His breathe fanning over my neck as he breathed out. His large hands resting on my hip, holding onto it, makingit feel like he was trying to keep me in one place.

"You don't have to be nervous, i'll be there the whole time, i promise," I took a deep breathe and he pressed his lips to the back of my neck. I sighed lightly and i felt his lips smirk against my skin.

Suddenly out plane was called. He slowly let go and picked up his carry on. He intertwined his fingers with mine and walked over to our gate. We all showed our ticket, of course, making sure NIall was back, and got on the plane. We got out seats and sat down. I was, of course, beside Harry, Liam, Louis and NIall where across the aisle from us.

Harry sighed and sat down in the seat by the window.

"So much for privacy," I laughed and sat down beside him.

"Why would we need that?" he looked over at me and riased an eyebrow. He laid his hand on my inner thigh and came closer, his face inces from mine.

"Becuase you seen to me able to turn me on by doing nothing," He whispered. HIs voice lower. I stared at him in shock and he smirked and pecked my lips lightly, sitting back and looking out the window.

"Don't worry, i won't try anything, not till your ready," I sat back in my seat and laid my hand on his, which was still on my leg, and intertwined our fingers. the plane took off and we started rolling across the tarmack and into the sky. I laid my head back and sighed. It was going to be a while before we got to America. I closed my eyes briefly. Resting them for a bit, when i heard a snap sound. I opened my eyes and saw Harry smiling at me. A camera in his hands. I raised an eyebrow.

"What are you doing?"

"Taking pictures, what does i look like?" I sighed.

"OF me?"

"Who else? like i would take pictures of the elderly people behind us." I rolled my eyes and covered my face.

"No more," I groaned.

"Oh come on, don't tell me your camera  shy!" He laughed. I lowered my hands.

"And what if i am?" He smirked and came closer. my head slammed against the seat behind me and i stared back at him.

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