Chapter 1

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The sound of my fist hitting the mit echoed through my ears. I took a deep breathe and threw another punch to the mit. Dust still flying off it. Sweat fell down my forehead and my neck as my heart beat loudly in my chest. i took a breathe and hit the mit again.

"COME ON SCAR LETS GO, HARDER!" The mit yelled at me. I sighed and shook my head. Turned my hips to the side. Bringing my right hand into my left. I turned right then brought myself back around, bringing my hand out of my left and brought it up, smacking it into the mit infront of me. It stumbled back and cursed under its breathe. A smirk formed on my lips and i brought my hands down. The mit came down and my trainer looked up at me.

"Good, keep that up, don't slack it, use all your strength," I nodded and he shook his hair out of his face.

"Next side," I sighed. I hated using my left side. It wasn't anywhere NEAR as strong as my right side. Ever since the accident. I shook my head, biting my bottom lip and tried to forget about the accident. He walked around to my right side. 

"OK, with all your strength, push me back, make me stumble, come on!" I nodded and brought my left hand into my right. I turned my hips to the left and then turned around, bringing my left hand out of my right and made impact with the mit. no where near as strong as the one i just did.

"HARDER!" I grumbled under my breathe.


"Heard that," I rolled my eyes and turned my hips to the left again and repeated the motion. Still not as strong as the right side.

"DON'T SLACK IT SCAR imagine im one of those bullies, imagine their face is on the mit, imagine they just called you all those names they did in primary school, punch as hard as you would if they were standing right in front of you!" I took a breathe and closed my eyes. Imagining his face. Green eyes, curly hair. The devil's smirk playing on his lips. Anger bubbled in me, i bounced on the balls of my feet, i turned to my left, then turned to the right, bringing my fist up  and making impact with the mit. Sending him back a step. he brought the mitt down and his eyes glowed.

"YES! DO THAT AGAIN...wait," he turned and looked over the people in the gym.

"NIALL GET OVER HERE!" Jack turned. Pushing his to long hair out of his face. He walked over and climbed into the ring. He walked over.

"Yeah, what's up Lou?" He asked, is Irish accent strong.he handed the mit to Niall.

"Be the punching bag," He looked over at him and then at me.

"For a girl," Louis raised an eyebrow.

"What, you don't think she can hit," Niall shrugged and smirked, looking me up and down. Anger bubbled in me and i used all my strength not to punch his teeth in.

"Just do it, don't be a pussy," Louis walked around to my side as Niall slipped the mits up and put them infront of his face. Louis leaned by me. Keeping his eye on me.

"Just do what you did before, imagine them, standing right there, calling you names, bringing you down, put all your anger into it and don't hold back, " he looked over at Niall who rolled his eyes.

"And show the prick girls can hit," I smirked and nodded. i turned my hips to the left, putting my left hand into my right. I boucned on the balls of my feet and closed my eyes. Imaging his face right there. Putting him in Niall's place. The words he called me ran arund in my head. Anger surfaced. I turned myself to the right, bringing my left hand up and making impact with the mit. Niall stumbled back. Louis laughed and ran over and pushed him towards me.

"AGAIN SCAR, DO IT AGAIN!" I closed my eyes and did the same thing i did before. hitting it just has hard, if not harder. I heard Niall grunt and i smiled and did the same motion again, and again and again.

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