Chapter 5

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I couldn't take my eyes off him. And not in a sexual, i want you, your hot wat. In a, i hate your guts, go die in a fucking whole you piece of shit way. And also, i can't believe you don't remember me way. He slips off his top and slips the boxing mitts on. His red basketball shorts hanging on his hips low enough to show his V line. He's grown up alot since school. his arms are bigger. his torso is more toned. Tattoos line his arm, shoulders side, chest and stomach. 

"Are we going to get this over with or are you just going to stare at me this whole time?" his voice fills the room and chuckles fill the room. I bit the inside of my bottom lip and try not to go over there and punch him in the face right now.

"Scar," Niall says. I turn to him and he grips my shoulders and looks at me.

"You alright?" I nodded slowly and glanced back at Harry. He was talking to his trainer. Not the Niall was my trainer, but Louis was no where to be seen. 

"Yeah im fine, i just already don't like him," He smiled slightly and nodded patting ym shoulder.

"Then show him what you can do," I nodded and turned back around. We both walked to the middle of the ring and looked up at each other. Niall walked over and stood beside us.

"This is not a match, there will be no rounds, it ends when the other person begs for it to stop, ready, go!" And he ran off. Harry started bouncing on the balls of his feet. I moved back. Bouncing and keeping my hands up infront of me. Harry looked me up and down and the same evil smirk from school lined his face.

"He really thinks a girl like you, can beat down me, never in your wildest dreams (see what i did there :D ) ," He brought his left arm up to hit me in the face. I ducked and brought my right up and nailed him in the stomach hard. He groaned and stepped back. I brought my left up, hoping with everything in me that it would be a strong hit, and hit him in the side of the face. Sending his head to the side. I then brought my right up and hit him on the other side, then brought my left up and slammed it into his stomach again. Owning a groan and a big stumble back. He looked up at me. Shock written all over his face.

"How the hell..."

"What, your scared of a girl now?" I asked bouncing on my feet, a smirk on my face. A growl escaped his lips and his eyes went dark. He stormed towards me and brought his right up, i went to block it but then he brought his left up and got me in the side. I stumbled back and he got me in the stomach, then the left side of my face. I felt blood form in my mouth and i spit it out and wiped my face. I looked up at him. A smirk lining his own face.

"Not so tough anymore are you?" I shrugged and shook my arms out.

"No, guess im not," He turned and raised his hands in the air. turning from me. Getting cheers from around the gym. I then ran at him, slamming myself into his back and punching his side, right, left, rigth, left, right left. He feel to the ground and i straddled his waist, bringing my hands up and slamming my left hard into his face. His bottom lip broke and blood trailed down it and down his chin. He spit blood out from his mouth and i hit his stomach and then the right side of his face. He tried pushing me off but i just kept throwing punches. The gym was dead quiet. Guess they couldn't believe a girl was beating the best boxer they had here.

"ALRIGHT I GET IT!" Harry yelld. But i threw another at his  stomach and the left side of his face. Sweat trailing down my neck and forehead. I wasn't going to stop. He never stoped when he was bullying me when i asked for him to stop. I never had someone to stop him before it was to late. I never had the right to stop him. so i wasn't stoping.

"SCAR!" I heard Louis yell. but i didn't stop. bruises started forming on his face and soon a pair of hands grabbed my arms and pulled me off. I kicked at him to let me go and keep going at him.

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