Chapter 37

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*Jason's POV*

I know y'all are like what the hell ain't he dead. Well no I'm not dead. I'm in witness protection. But since Omar was found mysteriously dead. I'm good now. Lilith and the kids are alive as well but as you all know they weren't my children. So Lilith isn't with me. Shatifia is alive as well and she is well aware that Jaheim is living with Amari and she is content with that. Well since me and Shatifia have been sleeping with each other for many years we decided to start a relationship. All the dirt of our past behind us. It's kinda good that her baby daddy is my baby momma's husband's best friend I know Nevaeh is in good hands with Naomi and Dallas and even Amari. Naomi's folks are good people oh and yes I'm well aware that Nevaeh is indeed my daughter. I honestly deep down felt like she was but Desmond always told me she wasn't and that Naomi slept with multiple people throughout our entire relationship. Maybe Des was lying. Now that I'm free to return to normal life well as normal as coming back after everyone thought I was dead could be. I no longer deal in the underworld as a matter of a fact I'm on the other side of law now. I'm just a patrol officer now but one day I'll be a big time police officer working narcotics.
"Hey Baby" I yelled for Shatifia.

"Yes babe" she walked in holding our dog. We decided not to have kids while under witness protection but we did get married.

"I was thinking of seeing if after all these years I should go meet Nevaeh" I looked at her

"Baby if that's what you want" she smiled

"Maybe you could see Jaheim" I suggested

"No he's happy where he is;he doesn't need me back in his life" she sighed

"Don't say that" I kissed her forehead.

"Well we are all packed up and we can say good bye to Mississippi and maybe I'll go see Jaheim if I can" she smiled. We put the last of the boxes in my car and we left. The police have been helping us move back to L.A. After a long ass car ride that lasted 29 hours. We arrived at our house the next day.

"Home sweet home" Shatifia smiled.

"Well settle in;oh and Jason we have officially transferred you to being an officer of the L.A.P.D. Here's your badge and they have your uniform and gun" my Lieutenant handed me my badge and hugged me. Before heading back to his car to make the long journey back to Mississippi.

"Good guy" I waved as he left.

"Well let's go inside" me and Shatifia walked inside our new house.

"It's beautiful" she smiled.

"Look at all this space" I walked around the house.

"This kitchen is built for royalty" Shatifia yelled

"I have a man cave" I yelled. We explored the house and got familiar with it before sitting down on the couch.

"Well what now" she sighed

"Go see my mom" I stood up

"You're right" she stood up too.
We got in my car and headed to my momma's house. I couldn't bear having my mom think I was dead so I broke the rules and called her. When we showed up she greeted us with a big hug.

"Hey momma" I smiled

"Finally my baby is back where he belongs" she kissed me

"And mom this is my wife"

"I've heard so much about you beautiful" she hugged Shatifia again. When we walked into moms house there's pictures on every inch of the wall.

"Hey jay look it's you when you were in school" Shatifia laughed

"Oh Jay, I have a special picture for  you" she handed me a picture of a little girl I was sure was Nevaeh

"It's my daughter" I kinda more stated than asked.

"Yes it is, and I think you should see if Naomi would let you atleast see the girl"

"I was thinking the same thing but after how I treated her" I rubbed my head

"Maybe she'll see how you've changed" my mom smiled. We sat and talked for awhile and I decided to go see Naomi. If you're wondering how I know where she lives well I'm a cop and we have certain databases. I drove to a big beautiful house. I know her husband sells drugs but that's none of my business I'm an off duty officer at the moment.

I slowly made my way to the door and knocked.

"Who is it" a familiar voice called out. I stood frozen not knowing how to answer when the door flung open. I guess she looked through the peephole

"Jason" she just stared at me

"Hello Naomi"

"How, what, why"she asked all at once

"'May I please come in and speak with you"
She looked taken aback by my politeness and my presence in general.

"I guess" she reluctantly opened the door wider. She escorted us to the living room.

"So Naomi I'm  sure you have a lot of questions" I started to talk but interrupted me

"Let me guess witness protection"

"Well uhh yes" I cleared my throat

"Okay so why are you here" she seems rude now

"I know I've done you terrible in the past; and I don't deserve to know Nevaeh after how I've treated her as well. But I'm coming to you today as a changed man asking for forgiveness" my eyes met her eyes.

"Jason,I" she started to speak when the front door opened.  A tall man walked in. I assumed to be her husband Dallas. I haven't seen Dallas since the shootout.

"Who's this" he mugged me. I could tell a part of him knows who i am.

"I'm Jason" I spoked and then it hit me. He'll recognize my voice. But he just stared at Shatifia. I forgot they had history.

"Why the fuck is she here" he got angry

"Dallas please" Naomi calmly said.

"B, what the hell is going on"

"Dammit Dallas just go get the kids" she snapped

"I will and when I get back they better be gone cause he's the nigga and she's the bitch who tried to ruin my business and kill me" he snapped as he walked out

"I can explain" I started but once again got cut off

"No need" she held her hand up

"You got involved with bad people, but I see your changed because when I look into those hazel eyes of yours I see the old Jason" she smiled

"Thank you Naomi" I smiled

"After hot head calms down, Jay maybe we can talk" she stood up and I guess that was our cue to leave. Me and Shatifia walked back to the car feeling accomplished

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