Chapter 40

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*Beauty's POV*

"Beauty I have cancer" those words stung when I heard them. I immediately fell to the floor.

"What, how" I looked up

"It's lung cancer B" Natalie got down

"You can't have cancer" I wept

"It's gonna be okay B" Mar sat next to her

"My twin sister, does Nico know" I sniffled

"No" she wiped my tears

"You can't tell him like this" I sniffled

"I'm sorry B it slipped out" she rubbed my back

"I can't believe this" I kept crying

"B stop crying"

"I can't" I sobbed

"Beauty, I'll make it through this" Natalie rubbed my back

"It's cancer Nat" I hugged her tight

"B please I need you to get checked out" she whispered

"Is it a twin thing" I asked

"No, it's a been around smoke thing"she coughed

"Natalie" I went to get her a glass of water

"Water only does so much, she needs treatment and it's expensive and I'm out of a job" mar ran his hands through his dreads

"Baby please don't think about money" Natalie rubbed mar's back

"I'm gonna go home" I stood up and grabbed my purse

"Don't tell anyone" Natalie stood up

"I'll wait for you tell them" I wiped my eyes and cleared my throat. I got in my car. My sister has cancer. My Sister has cancer. I cursed God. Now we aren't religious people but I know better than to curse God but at this point I'm angry. I drove home and listened to Natalie's favorite song. When I got in my yard. I had to clean myself up. A familiar car was in my yard. Now why is Jason here. I walked in and instead of finding Jason I found Shatifia and Dallas sitting at the kitchen table talking.

"Oh hey baby" He walked up to me and kissed me
"Hey babe"

"Hello Naomi" Shatifia looked at me

"Hello" I looked at Dallas

"Tifia was admitting some things she had done in the past and asking for my forgiveness and for yours" Dallas explained

"Why mine" I asked

"So you'll let Diva be around us" Tifia looked at me

"What did she confess"

"She's responsible for Marisa's death well partially" he cleared his throat

"Dallas, do you forgive her is the important thing"

"Well it hurts knowing why the love of my life was murdered" he wiped his eyes

"Dallas like I said before I'm sorry but when Omar said he needed to teach Marisa a lesson I was on board because I was angry and hurt" Tifia explained

"In a way this is my fault, if I didn't sell drugs and play with females hearts" he wiped his eyes again

"Dallas, if you choose to send a hit on me the moment I leave I'll understand" and with that Shatifia left.

"She killed her" he whispered

"Dallas" I rubbed his back

"Call Brae, I need to see her" he started crying. I walked off to call Brae. I can't believe Dallas is crying.
*Phone Call*


Brae:yes mom

Me:are you busy

Brae:no what's wrong

Me: Dallas wants to speak to you

Brae: dad what's wrong

Dallas: I love you Brae

Brae: dad what's wrong

Dallas: I never meant to hurt your family

Brae: what do you mean

Dallas: I'm to blame for your mothers death

Brae: what dad

Dallas: I cheated on her and played with another woman's heart

Brae: Dad

Dallas: I'm sorry Brae I'm sorry

Brae: I'm coming down there

Dallas handed me my phone and hugged me. He just hugged me and cried. He then went upstairs. I followed him. He went into our bedroom and took out his wallet. Behind our wedding photo was a picture of Marisa. He looked at the picture and sniffled. I stood frozen not knowing wether to comfort him or give him space.

"B, come here" his voice cracked

"Yes baby" I sat next to him

"If anything were to happen to you, would you want me to forgive whoever did it" his eyes met mine

"Dallas I would want you to find peace and if that means forgiveness then yes" I rested my hand on his

"I feel Marisa feels the same way" he smiled. Then he stood up and made his way back downstairs just in time for Brae to open the door and tackle him.

"Dad, what nonsense are you talking about" she yelled

"First, can you get up" he laughed

"Why you laughing, you were just crying a half an hour ago"

"Brae, I know what I must do" he kissed her forehead and got in his car.

"Well" she sighed

"You good" I walked over to her

"It's just when you called and he was crying about mom it just brought back so many memories" Brae sat down


"And some of them weren't good" she sighed."mom was a great person but the fact she left me there with that wretched bitter old woman"

I was about to say something when Brae kept going.

"I was used as an ash tray, a punching bag both physically and mentally" she cried. "My grandfather loved me, but when he left he didn't take me" " He left me there" "after he left the abuse started" She cried more. I wrapped my arms around her.

"It got worse once my grandma started doing drugs" Brae wiped away tears before continuing. "That's when the abuse got sexual" Her voice cracked. "She had so many men coming in and out of that house, she wouldn't even remember I was in there" Brae sobbed. Then I got angry.

"Brae, The kids need to be picked up soon" and with that I walked out of the house. Mad as hell. Heading straight for the trap. I need back up for this one.

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