Smooth Sailing

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The return of an enemy causes James and his insecurities about his relationship with Riley to make a huge decision - which may not pay off.

Riley's POV
I smiled shyly as all of the boys from the band laughed at me, James looking at all of them with a smile that showed his fondness.

"Aw come here," he said waving me over, half sympathetic, half still laughing. "I'll teach you."

I shuffled over to James nervously in front of his band, stepping up onto the little stage that was set up with the instruments and amps for them to practice. James slid back on his drummer's stool a little and swung his leg around, inviting me to share the stool with him. I sat in between his legs, my back against his front, his cologne wrapping a strong bubble around me. He handed me the drumsticks and then linked his fingers over my own, cueing goosebumps to run up and down my arms, making me shiver.

"Alright cross your arms over," James instructed, but did it for me anyway, his arms having power over mine.

He gave instructions close to my ear, his head to the left of mine as he guided my arms into playing his drum kit. I smiled as a basic beat built up and James gently guided me to play.

"Alright finish it," he said to me, letting go of my arms and slipping his hands to my waist as I took control of the sticks and hit the crash symbol.

"Heyyyy!" he said in my ear as the rest of the band all clapped, laughing. I smiled at the floor, still feeling James's gentle grasp on either side of my waist and his breathing tickling my cheek.

I placed the drumsticks back on the music stand and giggled, blushing as I looked down at my sneakers.

James smiled at me and slipped his arms all the way around my stomach, linking his hands together and looking back at the band as they proceeded to talk. I sat quietly, just content to be in his grasp. I preferred to be like this when he was with the band. The boys were super sweet and really nice to me, don't get me wrong, but it felt strange to have these other three guys who knew James really well when I knew James really well but didn't know them all that well. So whenever I was hanging out with James when they were around, I tended to stay quiet and close to my boyfriend - and I assumed he picked up on this as he cuddled me close to him on the drum stool we were still sharing.

James and I had been together for quite a bit now. Technically since he was sixteen and I was fifteen, although we had a little tiny bit of a break in the middle. We had had our rough times, sure. The whole Beth situation, Ella, the band, scheduling time to hang out, him quitting dance, me taking over the studio, him going to London. So on and so fourth. However, I could honestly say that I believed by now any problem we had we could figure it out. Since his return from London, on the bright side, things had been very smooth sailing.

I soon realised I had been daydreaming whilst James' deep voice piped up now and again in my ear as he spoke with John, Luke and Theo. I felt him gently prod my side to get my attention.

"Hey don't you have that J-Troupe class in fifteen minutes?" he asked me.

I glanced at the blue wall clock and sighed, leaning back into James's embrace.

"Yeah," I complained, "I should probably go warm up."

James' POV
Riley took one of my hands, gently uncoiling herself from my grasp and standing up from the front of the seat we had been sharing.

"Alright," I said smiling up at her. "I'll drive you home after band okay?"

"Okay," she chirped back, letting go of my hand and hopping off of the little platform we claimed to be a stage. Her blonde curls bounced around her shoulders as she did. "Bye guys."

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