Growing Up

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Their child's new curiosity about how the world works is causing some growing pains for Brittany whilst Trevor is reflecting on some major life events.

Trevor's POV
I hopped out of my car, slamming the door closed and locking the vehicle as I sauntered along the driveway to the front door of my house. It was a pretty hot day in Canada, and the air outside was actually a little cooler than it had been inside my car, so I didn't hesitate to take my time on my way in the door.

Soon enough however I was grasping the metal door handle and pushing my way inside the house. I slammed the second door of the last ten seconds.

The usual sounds were going around the house right now. I could hear the low buzz of the TV from the living room along the hall and to the left. I could also hear some distant talking from somewhere a little further away in the house. Dinner was cooking - I could tell from the smell and the soft humming of the oven drumming through the house from the moment you stepped inside.

"Hello?" I called out as I removed my shades and slipped my shoes off with my feet, tucking them under the hall table. Sat on top of the oak was a pile of mail. None of it looked too important, despite all of it reading my name on the front, and so I vowed to read it all later. Instead I focused more on the fact that nobody replied to my call and began to follow the voices through the house.

I walked slowly along the hallway, peeking my head through the door of the living room. The coffee table had toys on it, the couch cushions were a little messier than usual and the TV was playing a show currently airing on Family Channel, but nobody was currently in there. I backed out and instead listened at the bottom of the staircase for a moment. However, I knew that they weren't upstairs either. Lastly I walked inside the kitchen, looking in the oven as I passed to see what we were eating tonight, and in doing so realising exactly where the other two were.

I closed the oven door again and went over to the sink, turning on the tap to wash my hands. Whilst I rubbed hand wash across my palms I leaned over the sink to look out of the kitchen window. The sun was shining down on the backyard, the only shaded place being under the little patio overhang where a table and chairs sat. The fan was spinning overhead of there and the pool water was glistening in the sunlight. However, the weather nor the layout of my backyard were not the things which most concerned me. In fact, the first two things I had noticed were people: the first a little figure splashing around in the water surrounded by a rubber ring and the other sat at the table and chairs, watching the first's every move.

I dried my hands on a dish towel and turned off the tap, making my way to the French sliding doors. As I stepped in view of the glass, slowly prying the door open, a squeal came from the little one in the pool which alerted the second of my two housemates that I was here. She smiled over at me as I came walking out into the sticky heat again.

"Hey," I said to both of them, "how's it going?"

"Hey Daddy!" my little girl squealed from the water she was splashing around in.

"Hey kiddo," I replied, "having fun?"

She didn't verbally reply, just continued to splash around. I chuckled at her.

The mother of the child in the pool had now stood up from where she was sitting and came padding over to me in her bare feet and white shorts matched with a skinny blue vest. Her short blonde locks were half tied up in a ponytail and half hanging loose around her neck. I smiled at her as she came over and stood in front of me.

"I should think so," she said, looking over to our child in the pool, "I've been trying to lure her out of there for the past twenty minutes."

I chuckled again, placing my hands on her waist and feeling her grasp my arms as we both watched the water being thrown around by the little sweetheart in the pink rubber ring. Barely a moment had passed when we heard the oven bleeping from the kitchen.

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