Gonna Be Fine

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The insanity of Internationals filming has Trevor wondering what he was really dreaming about.

Trevor's POV
The kids had been screaming so much throughout the entire duet, that I almost thought they would all have lost their voices by the end. However as I stood breathing heavily centre stage, feeling my muscles burn and my heart beating in my chest - the place was deafening.

Standing there, the only movement in me coming from my elevating chest as I panted, I was not alone. In my arms I held Brittany. A few inches shorter than me in her white dress and curly hair and no shoes on her feet after dancing, her heavy breathing almost identical to my own. I felt the softness of her curls beneath my hand as I held her head - my other arm across her back which was exposed. The white fabric cut off below her shoulder blades and held together at the back of her neck in a clasp. I felt her fingers spread out across my back as she clung to me, her head in the crook of my neck as we embraced, the cheering never ceasing.

Without either of us saying anything, we mutually decided it was time to break apart. I initiated the first movement, by dropping my hand from in amongst her curls to meet my other on her back. This was reciprocated by Brittany's grip around me loosening and slowly we both pulled away. We linked hands together and lifted our arms in the air, taking a bow. As soon as we were standing up straight again, I leaned across to Brittany so that she could hear me over the persistent screams.

"That was insane," I said, my words still choppy from my heavy breathing.

"I know that was crazy," she agreed. We were both aware of the cameras moving behind us on the stage - recording shots of us both and stared back out into the audience of insanity.

There was no doubt that this was the best reaction we had ever gotten to any one of our duets. Possibly even any one of our dances, group and solos included. However I could definitely understand why. It was a very dramatic soundtrack and the choreography matched it. Brittany and I had a lot to do with the choreography process too. It was no secret that all dances on our show were choreographed in next to no time. Keeping up with all of the choreography was a vital skill - because things moved fast. For our duet especially - we had three rehearsals each for between four and six hours where we perfected everything we needed to.

Today was the first time we really performed it, and co-decided we wanted to make it as big as possible.

Brittany and I had a complicated relationship. Complicated on paper - but not in real life. We were introduced as co-stars originally, and quickly became pretty good friends; the identical story to how I met most of the other cast members. On the contrary, I had a special bond with Brittany that I didn't have with anyone else working on our show. Brittany and I had been playing The Next Step's main love story since the first season, and we had filmed some pretty romantic scenes and duets - the one which we had just finished definitely top of the list.

It didn't matter how talented of an actor you were. Having to film scenes of a romantic nature with someone who you were not romantic with was definitely hard. But it had become increasingly easier as time went on with Brittany and I. One piece of evidence of this was the conversation we had right before stepping out onstage to perform this duet.

I finished up stretching my shoulders out and turned to the rest of the cast in the wings. The girls had already started crying, knowing what was coming up in the next few minutes.

The final dance and final Jiley duet of the season - and as things were now looking - ever. We had been to Regionals we had been to Nationals and now we were doing Internationals. We were all realising that there couldn't be much better than the World Championships. There wasn't much plot left.

Jiley and TRITTANY OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora