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      There was a time when I was naive enough to think parents and couples were bound to stay together forever.

There was also a time when I thought people human enough to mend each other and find peace within the wars.

But truly people aren't about peace.

Because if you stood up a really tall tower and dared yourself to look beyond you would see that the world possesses no peace at all. And you would see the immense turmoil and the gun shots and the wars that dwelled inside of it.

You would also see brother against brother. And you would see people dropping to the floor like flies, dead.

I've come to realize that it isn't the world that is so treacherous but in fact us.

Monsters aren't the ones with claws and sharp teeth that hide inside the closets or underneath our bed. Or the ones that lurk within the shadows ready to strike.

Those kind of monsters don't exist.

Humans are the real monsters. The ones that don't lurk within the shadows or inside of the closets.

Real monsters don't hide. And if they do it's almost never in the dark.

Real monsters lurk. But they lurk in the daylight. And they hide in plain sight.

Because the thing is they don't want to be hidden or unseen so they can strike at the moment you least expect.

Real monsters don't use the element of surprise. Because real monsters actually want to be seen.

Real monsters don't have claws or sharp teeth. Real monsters aren't ugly in fact at times there often beautiful.

Real monsters are smart. So smart that they caused the tragedies and destructions upon themselves. They invented these lethal things and called them guns and bombs.

Real monsters make laws but often fail to follow them. Real monsters are hypocrites.

Real monsters do in fact love. But the most treacherous ones don't. Real monsters cry, they feel. They hurt.

Real monsters feel emotion.

Real monsters are human.

I would tell you of all the wrongs that exist in your world, but I assume you  know already.

And I haven't the kind of time to explain to you how vile and despicable we monsters really are.

I haven't got forever.

Because thats the thing with us, time. Time is easy to run out but that hardly ever matters, its supposed to me forever, right? Or at least nearly.

But when it comes to us it isn't nearly forever. We don't have forever, we never do, we have now.

But sometimes we're not even lucky enough to have that.

The time period of our lives is short. Time doesn't extend forever in the lives of us.

We never reach forever because we never are forever. Even if we were who are we to even know? Forever doesn't come with a name tag on it telling you that yes indeed it is the forever you've been in search of.

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