~Wake me up

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What if life was all but a dream?

Did you ever wonder that maybe the reason everything was so wrong is that your dreaming?

And perhaps life was some cruel nightmare your mind couldn't seem to shake?

Ever wonder if you were asleep in some other existent parallel universe and you just couldn't wake up.

Do you ever wonder if your actually awake?

I mean, how do you know this isn't a dream?

It could be.

Do we wake up when we die then?

Is that how it works?

Is that what awaited for us beyond the finish line?


Beep! Beep! Beep!

I knew I was in a hospital.

And I knew my mother was beside me for I could hear her sopping.

I couldn't remember why I should be in a hospital.

I thought hospitals were only for the sick.

Was I sick?

I don't remember being sick.

I don't feel sick.

"You could have prevented this if you hadn't taken him to the bank with you!!"

My ears perk up at the sound of the loud angry voice I instantly recognized as my fathers.

"Robert how was I supposed to know a bandit was planning in robbing the bank that day!!! Huh? Tell me how was I supposed to know?!!!! Since you seem to know it all Robert tell me!!! Thats right you can't!!!! You can't tell me Robert so don't you dare!!!! Don't you dare try and blame this on me I already feel sorry enough!!!!!!" I heard my mother yell.

I didn't want to open my eyes just yet, because then the angry words and the loud voices would be real.

I didn't want it to be real. I always hated real. Because that meant there was a very slim chance that it could be changed.

"Am sorry Angela I didn't mea-"

"You know what?!!!" She yells cutting him off. "If this is anybodies fault its yours!!!"


"Yours!!!!!" I could imagine my mother pointing her finger at him.

"We wouldn't even have been at the stupid bank if it weren't for you!!!! You upset me earlier today Robert, you really did!!!! I couldn't stand to look at you after what you said to me so I decided to help myself and the both of us by leaving the house until I cooled down!!!! And luis wanted to come with me so I agreed!!!"

"W-well you shouldn't have let him come with you!!!!!"

"What reason would I have for not allowing him to come with me?!!!You know, pointing fingers at each other is not going to heal our son Robert!!!!!!!"

"Is he even my son?" Father questioned her.

"Of course he's your son, what are you accusing me of Robert!!!!! Huh? What are you accusing me of?!!!!!!"

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