So before I start let me just clarify that NO this is not a chapter so u don't have to read it if u don't want to😉 but it would be super nice if you did.
This chapter is basically just a big authors note explaining and clarifying things and also giving reasons to why I wrote the book since "Theories" has like no plot line, or conflict. OR MOST OF THE THINGS A NORMAL BOOK WOULD HAVE!!!!!!!!!
Like Sarah wtf is going on?????😱😱🙃☺️😋😂😂😂🤔❔❓❔❓❔❓
Lol if u haven't notice I am like OBSESSED with emojis and often use them unnecessarily😂😂😂
And yes I took a selfie on snapchat and decided to post it here cause I felt it convenient😂😂😂
No I really just felt like you should know how I look like. Cause isn't it weird when your reading a story or something but you don't know how the person who wrote it looks like???? And them you have to visualize🙄😒🤔
I don't know, I suppose its just me but I prefer knowing how the author looks like😬😬😬😂😂😂😂
By the way I know, that picture is not my best. But then again my pictures never are🤓🤓🤓 but I was not about to waste time having a personal photoshoot of myself just so I can have the 'perfect' picture💁🏾 my pictures are never perfect.
Ok let me get to what I wanted to say🤗
Honestly I am sorry the last chapter was so long I didn't mean for it to be that long but it was.😬 Hope u still enjoyed though.😉
And yes Luis died😭😭
In truth it wasn't really all that hard for me to kill him off.
I mean it kinda was hard writing about somebodies last moments before they die because obviously I don't have experience in death because I am not typing from the grave. 🙃 Also I didn't know what his last words where going to be.
Cause heres the thing.
I knew Luis was going to end up dying by the end of the book.
I just did cause usually when I start a book before I have even deciphered what the plot is going to be about I think of the characters and I already know how the book is going to end. Even though I don't know what is going to happen during the most if it.😅 Is that weird??? I'm pretty sure it is.
Anyway, *claps hands* moving on!!!
I thought Luis should die because for one it was the way I planned it from the start, and also even if I were to change it, I didn't know how else to end the story.
Also I don't think the death of Luis was that hard on readers because I honestly don't think I had enough dialog and stuff like that for you to really get to know who Luis really was.
I mean the whole time you were basically inside his head, trying to decipher what he was telling you about the way he saw things and the way he felt about them.
I honestly suck at writing dialog when it comes to my stories I don't even know why. But I always have trouble making the dialog seem real like a real person would talk.
Short Story{Completed} Luis Cowery is a eight year whom is deemed an outcast. He has no friends the rest of the children in his class avoid him. He one of those children that just aren't the same as the others, the grown up's don't deem him as someone or...