Chapter 13

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~Max pov~
"I like being your friend" Ross said. I immediately regret saying that, I want something more than being friends. Only he doesn't feel the same.
We finally got home around 12 and we went our separate ways, me in my room and him in his.
After a while I hear Ross walk down the hall, then I hear pots and pans clanking together.
He's making lunch.
I should probably do the same.
Just as I thought that my stomach growled, perfect timing.
I got up to see what Ross was making, and he was making Max and cheese (I know, cheesy) (I know, I'm punny) (I'm sorry) (I'll stop) (no I wont)
"Hey" I say.
"Hey" he replied, I grabbed another box of Max and cheese.
"Don't worry about it, I'll make you lunch" he said.
"Oh, thank you" I say.
"No problem"
Once we ate I needed to get something for Ross, he's been through a lot lately.
I tell Ross I was going to the game store and leave.
I was actually going to get him a cat because he's been wanting one for a while.
On my way there I stopped at a red light, once it turned green, I went.
All of a sudden I feel numb, the darkness took over.
~3rd person~
As Max passed out the ambulance came, took him and called the first person on his emergency contact list, Ross.
"Hello, is this Ross?" The medic asked.
"Yes, where's Max?"
"He has been hit by a car, we're taking him over to St . Paul's hospital right now"
"Oh my god, is he alive?"
"Yes, but he is passed out"
"I'm on my way" with that, they hung up and Ross rushed over to the hospital.
~Ross pov~
When I got off the phone I ran out of the apartment and ran straight for the bus stop. Max took our only car, so I had no choice. It didn't really matter, all that mattered at the moment was Max. If I lost him, I wouldn't be the same.
Once I got to the hospital I asked for Max,
"He's in testing right now, but I'll let you know as soon as possible when he's in a room" the lady at the front desk said.
I hope he's okay.
After an hour of waiting the lady told me the room number, 190. I rush to the room. Once I find it, I see Max on the bed asleep.
He looks so peaceful.
I went over by his bed and pulled up a chair,
This is what he did for three weeks.
"Max, I love you" I say. Just then his heart rate went up.
Words: 451
Breaks: a few
Music: none

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