Chapter 3

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I feel generous today...
~Max POV~
As I awoke the next day I found me and Ross cuddling on the couch. Memories from last night came flooding back. I check Ross's neck, him still fast asleep.
He's such a heavy sleeper.
He still had a scar on his collar bone, but the hand print had faded.
I pick him up and carry him to his room. I lay him down on his bed and cover him up, making sure he's comfortable.
I walk back out to the living room and check the clock, 10:30.
I decided to make pancakes and a side of bacon for me and Ross. I could tell he's been through a lot.
I finish cooking the pancakes and bacon. A nice breakfast in bed will be nice for him.
I walk into his room, he's still sleeping.
"Hey Ross, get up" I nudge him slightly. He just graons in response.
"Sit up, I made you breakfast"
He sat up and started eating.
"Thank you Max" he said scarfing down the last of his meal.
"Do you want to tell me what happened last night?" I asked him.
"Y-yea" he said continuing to tell about how Cody was such and asshole.
"Ross, you're better off without him" I said.
"He went to jail last night..." he said trailing off.
"Oh Ross, you can find someone so much better." I try to reassure him.
-----TIME SKIP-----
It's been a few weeks since Cody went to jail and he has been happier ever since.
God, I love him, why can't he see that.
"Hey Max!" I hear Ross yell as he walks into the apartment, bringing along a guy.
"Hey, who's this?" I asked.
"This is Jackson, we're dating" he said.
Oh, Ross, more heart break, why do you do this to yourself.
"Hey" I said to Jackson.
"Sup" he replied.
He sounds like a douche bag.
"Jackson, can I see you in private for a second?" I said as I pull him into my room.
"I swear to God if you hurt him, you won't be able to live to see the next day" I threatened.
"Dude, take a chill pill" he said.
God I hate him so much.
"Just don't hurt him" I said.
He walked out of my room and to the living room where Ross was sitting on the couch.
I stay in my room the rest of the time he's there thinking,
Goddammit Ross, why him.
You can do so much better.
Why can't he see that I like him.
God, I'm such a girl.
I find tears streaming down my face as I hear Jackson leave.
"Max!" I hear Ross yell across the apartment.
I came running.
I find Ross on the floor crying, covered in bruises.
"Oh my God, Ross, what happened" I asked.
"H-he kept h-hitting me" he said crying into my shoulder now.
"Come on Ross" I carry him over to the couch, him almost litteraly on top of me. He's still crying into my shoulder.
"Shh, Ross, it's going to be okay." I say trying to calm him down.
After a while he stops crying and tells me what happened.
"H-he started punching me, it in the arm, f-face, and everywhere else."
I knew it.
"I tried yelling for you, but he just covered my mouth as he hit me more."
Ross, I love you my narwhal.
"I'm so sorry Ross."
"I'm can never find anyone who loves me."
"Of corse you can"
Words: 585
Breaks: one
Music: Melanie Martinez

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