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The footsteps of mine can be heard as my shoe step on the wooden floor of the doorway.

His house kind of fancy. I never expect it cause Yoongi really is humble and down to earth person.

I pressed the bell's button. No answer.

I pressed for the second time.

"Hello anyone ?" I half-screamed.

The result still the same.

I dont want to just barge in to someone's house cause its really rude of me.

By pressed the bell for the final, i make my move, probably went back to my house.

But the sound of the door clicking makes me turn around.

"Who's that ?" He rubbed his eyes. Trying to adjust with the shine of the sun, he looks at me in weird.

"Its me In Ha." In one breathe i said that.

"Ouh. Why you are here ?" He looked surprise with my sudden visit.

I cleared my throat "Our homeroom teacher asked me to come here. She's worried why you didnt come for two days. Including today"

He rubbed the back of his neck "But before my further explanation, come in. Its not nice to let guest wait outside."

He backed away a bit to give a way for me.

I sat on the couch and eyeing him. He also sat on the couch.

My eyes still glued on him, exactly waiting for his further explanation.

His eyes widen remember something of course "Ah yes the explanation. My mom is sick. She had fever. I need to take care of her until she get better" but somehow his voice stuttering. I'll let it pass for today

"Im sorry to hear that. I'll tell the teacher the reason. Dont worry" Soon i stood up.

"Where are you going ?" He also stood up. Copying my action.

"Home obviously. Why ?"

"I thought you are going to stay longer" he said in a low tone but my ears still fucntion and managed to hear that.

"I'll come tomorrow okay ?" I smiled.

His face become bright as i make a promise.

"Okay !"

He escorted me to the main door.

After bid our goodbye i went back home.

His smile.
I cant resist his gummy smile.


hurt × m.y.g (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now