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The day passed like usual but without my mom's presence makes me become like a walking corpse. I feel unusual.

My mom is my everything.

I missed hearing she ask me 'how is your day ?' 'How school ?' 'Are you okay ?' and many thing.

But heol its not going to happen, not after million years passed. The only thing stay, memories. I dont want the memories fade away like wind brush past over me.

If i can, i want to dream about her everyday. I bet my dad didnt know that he-so-called wife already gone. Never once he call me since day one he left us.

Are we didnt important ? Half of my heart blame him for my mom's death. She might revive if dad always on her side. But the fact is she isnt, my father isnt.

I stop here.

In Ha's POV*

He spacing out too much. He's been like this since we arrived home after school ended. He's sitting on the couch looking to the empty wall in front.

The sound of the clock ticking broke the silence but actually it isnt. The silence still surrounded us.

I watched his move, sometimes his face frown, sometimes his eyebrows knitted, sometimes he looks angry.

What is he even thinking ? If only i could read his mind, i would find the answer without asking even a bit.

Real thing is i dont know anything and its drive me insane.

"What are you thinking ?" I lost my temper.

"Huh ?" He blinked his eyes looking anywhere but my eyes.

"You spacing out too much and im tired with the silent" i scoffed and rolled my eyes afterwards.

He let out a big sigh and leaned forwards on me.

"Im sorry" his eyes showed an apologetic sign.

Suddenly i feel my chest tighten with his sudden change of his behaviour.

I put my hand on his chest and pushed him away, slightly feel embarrassed and looked anywhere but not his eyes. I feel my cheek is burning hot.

"Okay you are forgiven. But dont lean forward too much i feel awkward" i forced a smile.

He leaned even more when he know i dont like it. Jeez he teasing me right now.

Well two can play.

He caught off guard as i leaned forward and caused our nose to brushed against each other.

I won this game.

He quickly leaned backwards and fan his face using his hand as he try to clear his throat.

"Whats wrong ?" I smirked.

He shook his head "Nothing" and trudged upstairs.

His face become crimson red. I never know Yoongi actually this shy.

It makes me fall hard even more i guess ?


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