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"In Ha, Mrs Go wants you to meet her" the class president announced.

With laziness i trudged to teacher's room.

I slowly walked to her desk.

"Oh In Ha. So how about Yoongi ? Is he okay ?" She took off her spectacle and darted me a glare.

"He's fine. His mom had fever and he need to take care of his mom" i explained.

She nodded her head repeatedly.

"Thats all i want to ask you. You may go to your class" She shooed me away.

I miss Yoongi.

What i actually miss was his face. His face when everytime he asked me for a cookies.

His face will become crimson red.

Ai Ri sometimes told me that Yoongi liked me but i dont trust her. Who am i to fall in love with him ? Im just an ordinary girl.

Theres nothing special about me.

Class dismissed*

I promised to Yoongi that i'll come today.

Stopping at the convenient store, i bought chocolate cookies. For Yoongi of course. Just in case if he ask me.

After paid the bill, i walked to his house.

"Hey In Ha !" Yoongi screamed my name. He sit on the bench at his mini garden.

Did he waiting for me ?

"Hey Yoongi" i waved at him.

"You did come" he smiled nervously.

"I promised you" i smiled back.

"Come in" he lead the way.

"Where's your mom ?" I looked at him.

"Oh she's in the room. You want to see her ?" His eyes sparkle yet sad.

"Sure why not ?" I shrugged my shoulder.

We both climbed the stairs to the second floor. My heart is pounding so bad.

This is really nerve wrecking. Im about to meet my crush's mom.

He opened the room's door, and i can see his mom laying weakly on the bed.

I walked closer to her. My heart dropped.

"She will get better right ?" My eyes on his mom.

"I dont know" his voice broken.

"Whats wrong Yoongi ?" I hugged him. I know he was about to cry.

He hugged me tight like he dont want to let me go.

While hugging him, slow by slow i dragged him out from the room. Dont want to wake her mom up.

We both stood in front of the room's door.

I let him cry. Patting his back, i just keep myself silence. Whats the point reassuring him everything will be fine when i dont know the whole story ?

After 5 minutes of crying, he let me go.

"So now tell me" i demands him to tell me.

I pulled him to the couch and sit by our own.

"My mom suffer cancer" the four words hits me hard.

"Im sorry" i hugged him after said so.

While hugging him, he keep telling me the story.

"Im sorry that i lied to you. Its on stage four. Nothing can heal her cancer. I dont know what to do. Im the only child she can rely on. Yesterday her nose was bleeding and her ear also. Im scared if she leave me sooner. I dont have anybody besides her" he cried.

"You have me. You have me. Im here for you" i tighten my hug.

To know someone that i liked in this state, its just torn me apart.

"Doctor said i should not bring her home but i want to spend my time before she leave me"

"I should not asking you" the guilty eating me inside.

"Its okay. Its not your fault" he broke off the hug and cupped my face.

"Promise me, if my mom gone, will you stay with me ?" His eyes pleading me.

And to say no is really cruel of me.

"I promise that i'll stay with you"

And i dont feel regret.

We both spent time together talking about how much he loves his mom. His eyes really bright when he told me about his mom.

The darkness take over the sky.

"I should going home" i said. I took up my school bag and something came crossed my mind.


"Wait. I bought you chocolate cookies while walking here"

"Thanks In Ha !" He took it and smiled at me.

"Its okay. Bye" i walked off.

His face is the most thing i adore.

Author's note : the longest chapter in this story i guess


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