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I unlocked the doors of the little vintage record shop. Stepping in, I immediately in took the scent of wood and dust as I set my keys on the counter next to the register, and started putting away records, humming to a Jackson 5 song.
After a few minutes of working the bell, signaling the door had been opened, rang and in walked a tall, brown haired, darkly clothed boy; maybe 17-18 years old. He looked about my age.
"I'm looking for the band 'Blue October', you guys got any here?" He spoke up in a very posh sounding English accent.
"Um, give me a second." I smiled.
He was cute.
"Here are the albums we have on stock." I said bringing back 5 or 6 records and placing them on the counter for him to see.
"Perfect." He grabbed a 2013 Sway album.
"That's a pretty good album." I spoke up, conversating, "but have you heard the 2006 Foiled album? Now that was art."
"No way, you listen to Blue October?"
"Yeah, I've been listening to them for a few years." I smiled at him,
His phone had buzzed as he pulled out his money to pay for the album.
He looked down at his phone whispering an 'oh shit' before looking back up at me.
"I've gotta go." He picked up the Sway record and looked up at me. "It was really great meeting you -"
"I'm Dan." He smiled.
He started for the door before quickly turning back and grabbing the Foiled album, paying for that one as well.
"It better be as good as you say." He smirked before walking out.

Record Shop // danisnotonfireWhere stories live. Discover now