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*sex scene in this chapter*

"Hey Beautiful."

I turned around and saw James, my boyfriend of almost a year. We started walking into the school as I grabbed his hand.
"Hey there." I smiled at him.
Phil is the captain of the football team, pretty much the full package. Not to brag or anything but he's the heartthrob of the school meaning all the girls wanted to be with him. Yet, somehow, I was lucky enough to call him mine.

The story of how we met is one for the movies.
I was walking through the halls when someone, who must had been running, bumped right into me. My books and papers went flying from my hands. People were staring and giving looks, laughing. I picked up my books as my face overcame with embarrassment. Suddenly someone came rushing over and helped me gathering my books. Looking up, I locked eyes with the perfect, blue eyed, dark haired James  Phillip Lester, the boy i've had a crush on since secondary school.
"T-thank you." I squeaked, fixing my glasses.
"No problem." He smiled back, his tongue pointing out the side of his mouth. "I know this is extremely straight forward but is it possible for me to get your phone number?" His mouth turning to a smirk as he asked.
"You want my number?" I was shocked
He chuckled, "Yeah."
I look out a pen and wrote my number on his hand, along with a heart right next to it. The bell rang and I quickly walked to my next class, confused out of my mind.
-End of Flashback-
After that incident, we ended up texted back and forth for several months realizing how similar we were and eventually went on a couple dates before he asked me to be his girlfriend. It's crazy how time flies.
"Hey, I was thinking we could catch a movie after school." James suggested, walking up to me as I was packing my bag to go home.
"I'm down." I smiled, reaching up to give him a kiss on the cheek.
A girl in our class named Camilla dressed in skinny jeans and a tight cut-off top that showed a little too much cleavage, eyed up Phil and smirked towards him. I looked Phil looked back at her and his eyes lit up, smirking back. I looked at him disgusted.
I rolled my eyes and whispered; "Take a picture, it's last longer."
"Babe, I didn't mean anything by it. It's just that she's pretty he's hot, was just a glance. Doesn't mean you gotta get all damn bitchy cause of it."
"Well aren't you just peachy today." I scoffed and turned to look around, avoiding his eye contact.
He got closer, pushing me against the lockers. He looked around and started kissing my neck, as his hands found their way to my breasts. As mad as I was it felt too good to push him away. He slowly moved his hands from my breasts down to between my legs and moved his hand back and forth, rubbing my clit. I could feel a pulsing sensation starting as he picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. He locked the door and set me on the counter. He pulled away my skinny jeans and pulled my legs apart. I could feel his tongue in me, making me quiver. I slowly reached into my purse and pulled out a condom, handing it to him. He looked at me and I nodded, telling him it was okay. He quickly picked me up and slammed me against the wall and before I know it, I felt him enter me. His hands were hot and sweaty on my back which felt good against the cold glass bricked wall. As he started going faster, I dug my nails in his back. He started kissing my neck and his hands went to the bottom of my shirt and he pulled it up, exposing my dark red laced bra. He started kissing my breasts before unlatching my bra as well. His hands traveled back to the front as he squeezed my breasts and continued kissing my neck.
"Oh my god James." I screamed, making sure not to be too loud. The sound of me screaming his name must have been a turn out because he grabbed onto my sides and started pounding my hips into him. He put me down and turned me around to face the wall, pushing me down slightly. I felt him enter me again as he grabbed me hips and thrusted himself against me again. The power was overwhelming and I couldn't keep my moan in. He grabbed my hair and pulled it back as he thrusted.
"Holy fuck, you're sexy."
He let go of my hair and started going slower, his thrusts getting harder before he finally stopped.
"I couldn't hold it anymore, you were turning me on too much sexy."
*end of explicit scene*
I dressed myself and slid onto the floor. James set his phone next to me and kissed my forehead before unlocking the bathroom door and going into the men's room. Being too lazy to stand back up to look in the mirror, I grabbed James's phone and opened up the camera, fixing my makeup. A Snapchat notification appeared from a group chat called "Nudes". I put in his password and opened it curious, what I saw was mortifying. It was pictures of me from only a few minutes ago. He was secretly taking pictures of me during us having sex. There was at-least 5 pictures sent to the group. I pulled one up and looked at it closer, it was from his point of view of me bent over as he pulled my hair. Tears started falling down my cheeks as embarrassment came over me. I scrolled up and saw pictures of other girls, either their nudes or pictures taken without them knowing. There was even videos. I was so disgusted I could have thrown up.
I threw his phone, forming multiple cracks in his screen and grabbed my stuff walking out the door. I bumped into him on my way out as he grabbed my shoulders.
"Hey babe, what's wrong?"
"You're such a fuckboy James. How long has this been going on, this whole picture thing?"
"Babe, it's nothing serious. It's just all jokes between me and my friends. I didn't think it was a big deal. They aren't gonna share the pictures."
"Sex isn't something you're suppose to share. It's suppose to be between two people showing them they love eachother."
"You're just so sexy, I had to show you off." He put his hand on my arm and smirked.
"No, I'm mad James. This is not only cruel but sick. I need time because right now all I want to do is punch you in the face. I'll text you when I'm ready but until then just leave me alone."
And with that I started home, trying not to cry. Wishing today never happened.

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