Part Twenty Four

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I ran and ran until I reached my house. I was crying and left a river of tears flowing behind me.

I knocked continuously until Travis opened. I immediently hugged him and started crying again.

"What happened?" he asks

"You disappeared!" he says

He knows I ignored his questions. He then hugs me and rubs me.

"Laurence...." I whisper

Travis' POV
Huh? What does Laurence have to do with this? What'd he do? I swear if he hurt her I will -

Your POV
"Laurence... H-he...kiddnapped me" I say

"He- But how?" Travis asks

"He faked it... He faked it all..." I say

Travis' POV
The moment I see him tomorrow I swear I'll beat him till he wishes he were never born! Breath Travis breath. She's not your girlfriend... But... I wish she was...

Your POV
"Travis... Laurence and I are...boyfrirnds and girlfriend..." I say regretful

Travis' POV
WHAT?! This must all be fake. How could she love someone who's kidnapped her and basically hardly knows... It's all fake... Right?!

Your POV
Just then I snap
"I don't want to be his boyfriend! He forced me! If I don't then he'll -"

"Say no more" Travis interrupts

"I got a plan..."

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