Part Thirty Five

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I wanted to know more about these "past lives" of theirs so I went to Aphmau. Aphmau and I have been really good friends so I feel comfortable asking.

The moment the guys saw I was leaving they asked "Where are you going?"

"Calm down dad! I'm going to go visit Aphmau" I say teasing

"Well who's the lucky woman (mom)?" Laurence tease asks

"Okay bye" is say heading out the door

I reach Aphmau's room and knock, Katelyn then lets me in.

"Hey y/n, what are you doing here so early?" Katelyn asks

"I'm not sure if you know any more information on the subject, but I wanted to ask you and Aphmau about "past lives" that Laurence was telling me about" I say

"Why would he tell you? We all left that behind, except a few of us..." Katelyn whispered under her breath

"Please Katelyn I need to know more!" I say begging

"Your starting to sound like Kawaii~Chan" Katelyn complains

"Can I ask Aphmau~Sempai then?" I say doing my best Kawaii~Chan

"Fine, come in" Katelyn says

I come in and see Aphmau packing her stuff for the day. I let her finish and then ask.

"Do you know anything about "past lives"?" I ask

"I can tell you but the others don't like their past lives so don't mention it" Aphmau says whispering

"Ok" I agree

"Here goes *clears throat* long ago when knights, lords, and wars exsisted we were alive. We each had some sort of relation to each other. One day I got a letter that specifically asked for us (like 20 I think) so we went. There we were greeted by Lady Irine. She asked to speak with me about a very important question. I spoke to her and it turns out the question was if we wanted to be immortal."

"You met Lady Irine!" I say shocked

"Yeah... Anyways she asked if we wanted to be immortal. She gavee both the pros and cons of this power. I then went to talk about it with the others. We all agreed. She gave us the power and we continued with our normal lives, until our most of our villages and our allowance all passed away. We then all made a choice, stay and fight for the few people left or fake out death and start a new life. We all wanted to start a new life but some of us weren't too fond with the idea. Now that every one's gone we all felt comfortable leaving it behing. Except Garroth"

"Wow...Wait why didn't some of you agree? " I ask

"Because of our titles. And I already know your gonna ask, so let me list them:
Aphmau ~ Lord and leader of a alliance

Katelyn ~ Jury of nine member and guard

Kawaii~Chan ~ Magiks user

Lucinda ~ Witch and lord

Cadenza ~ Seemstress and the lord of Mateli

Garroth ~ head Knight and second in command lord of O'Khasis

Laurence ~ second head Knight and shadow Knight

Dante ~ New head guard and Levin's Knight

Travis ~ Son of the Demon warlock and guard

Vlyad ~ Youngest Ro'Maeve brother and shadow Knight

Zane ~ Second Youngest Ro'Meave brother and corrupted

Nicole ~ Lord of Scaleswind

Jeffory ~ Jury of nine member

And one more thing. Irine said that those who we care for are immortal too or alive again (Aaron)"

"Thanks" I say

I then run to my room and get my journal out. Laurence stops me before I can write anything down.
I feel some sort of sword being held to the back of my head. I turn around carefully and see...

Laurence... Is that you...?

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