anywhere but here

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Hey guys!!!!! so this my first story on wattpad and i'm soooo excited!!! i'm not an excellent writer so please go easy on me. so i'm gonna shut up and get on with the story. you will notice throughout the story that i don't capitalize letters! i type way to fast! so I'm going to apologize in advance. Sorry!


'Odd how much it hurts when a friend moves away- and leaves behind only silence.'

-Pam Brown

"Kaylee get your lazy butt out of bed already!!!!" Timmy, my little brother, yelled right in my ear. I rolled over and glared at him. He just smirked at me and walked out of the room, grumbling about how  a sixteen year old girl could be so lazy under his breath. I guess I should tell you a little about me before we go any further.  As you could already tell I have an annoying little brother, loving parents, and i'm moving across the country today. yeah you heard me right. i'm moving from Canada all the way back to my hometown in South Carolina.

I sighed as got out of bed an padded across my ,now empty, bedroom to my bathroom. I stared hard,intensely, at myself. My dark red hair looked like a haystack on top of my head and my brown eyes were both excited and nervous about moving back to my hometown. They were excited because I would see ....Toby.  They were nervous because I haven't seen or talked to him in years. GOD! it was even hard for me to even think his name. You see, Toby was my best friend before we moved away. If you saw Toby you saw me. It was like we were joined at the hip. But i stopped talking to Toby after I moved because it hurt so badly to know I coundn't see him. Now we were moving back and .....I would see him. I shuddered just thinking about seeing him again. I finished getting dressed and walked slowly down the stairs.

In the kitchen my mom was finishing up breakfast and my dad was sitting at the table reading a newspaper. Timmy was sitting at the counter drinking orange juice. My mom looked up at me when I came in. "Hi Hun. Are you all packed?" she asked. My mom was a tiny woman just like me but her hair was brown like my brothers while mine's was red like my dad's.

"Yeah," I replied shortly sitting down at the table next to my dad. I can admit I was a major daddy's girl. I adored my dad. He's been my idol every since I was a little girl.When we were kids Toby would tease me about it mercilessly, but I never cared. He kissed my forehead as I settled in the seat next to him.

"You excited about the move?" He wanted to know. I shrugged as I picked over the food my mom had just sat in front of me. My brother grinned  evilly.

"You'll get to see your Toby again!" He said making kissy faces at me.

"Shut up and he's not my Toby!" I yelled throwing a piece of bacon at him all the while my face was the same color as my hair.

"That's enough you two, " My said looking at us with amusement in her eyes. "now make sure you guys have everything packed.We're leaving in 10 minutes."

20 minutes later we were all packed up in the car on our way to South Carolina. I blew out a breath looking at our old house. Remembering the happy and the not so happy memories we would be leaving behind. Funny how this was the second time this happened to me, only the first time I was leaving behind the person I loved most.

I willed the waterworks to stay behind my eyelids, but a stubborn one slid down anyway; falling silently into my lap then disappearing like a bubble on a windy day. This was a tear of pain when it should have been of joy. My heart was pounding from nervousness when it should have been from happiness.

I couldn't help but think negative thoughts as the car drove further and further away from my old home to my other old home. Would Toby hate me for abandoning him? I knew he had abandon issues since his dad walked out on his mom when she was six months pregnant, leaving her to raise him on her own. Would he even recognise me? Would I even recognise him?

The questions were endless, the answers black and white. Whatever he threw at me, I would be ready.

I just had to.


soooo?? like it or hate it?

do you guys think i should keep writing this story??

I know it's short but It's the first chapter and it will get better i promise!

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