A Flashback from Forever

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'My friend, why have you drifted so far away? All motion is relative, maybe it is you who have moved away by standing still.'

By: Author Unknown

9 years ago.......

" Toby, get back here!" 7 year old Kaylee yelled at her annoying best friend Toby. He was so childish and idiotic sometimes, even for a 7 year old. he'd stole her candy then took off into the woods behind her house. She had no choice but to follow.

Toby laughed mockingly at her. " Catch me if you can! Catch me if you can! Catch me if you can!" He sang tauntingly. Ugh...that....that....ugh!!! He better be happy her small, seven year old brain couldn't come up with something mean enough.

Determined, Kaylee grunted and tried to run faster on her short legs, reprimanding herself for being small and not able to keep up with Toby's longer, faster toes.

"Ha! Ha! Kaylee you run like a girl!"

" That's because I am a girl, you doofus!" she yelled at him, out of breath and seething with anger. Boy, when she did catch up with him it's gonna be world war.... wait how many wars was it? She couldn't remember the saying the grown-ups would say when they were about to have a fight or something.

Abruptly, without any warning, her freckled nose slammed into a sweat covered shirt. Before she had time to yell at Toby for being the ogre he was, she was interrupted.

"Cool beans," Toby breathed, his big brown eyes taking in the scenery absolutely captivated.

When she finally looked up Kaylee had the exact reaction as Toby. " Woah,"  she gasped in awe. This place was awesome! It was like this ginormous meadow with beautiful exotic flowers everywhere. She couldn't name them, but they sure were beautiful. This magical land seemed so alive that she could practically hear the bees buzzing on top of the pretty pink flowers eating pollen. She could practically feel the warm breeze caressing  the apple of her cheek softly and she could practically smell the sweet aroma permeating the air making her wish she could savor this moment forever.

"What is this place?" Kaylee whispered to Toby who was now standing beside her.

" I don't know but it's....woah." He was at loss of coherent words as he looked around. Kaylee had never seen Toby like this before. So...hypnotized? she didn't know the exact right word for the way Toby was acting.

So, instead of speaking, she slowly lowered herself into the pulchritude blooms, loving how they brushed against her skin. Toby did the same, smiling at her, showing of his missing tooth. The sun was just setting but it was scintillating, winking at them while simultaneously sending bursts of pinks, blues, purples, and oranges across the meadow.

"I never want to leave," she whispered at Toby, not wanting to speak to loud, afraid she would burst whatever bubble they were in and the meadow would vanish before they could blink.

He looked at her for a minute then a smile lit up his cute baby face as if he had a sudden brilliant idea.

" I know! This will be our secret place to go to when we want to play or run or something! This will our, nobody else's, okay?"  Said Toby, taking her hand. Kaylee smiled. That was a great idea!

" Yeah! We can always come here! This will be our....what's that word i learned in reading time yesterday? Umm....haven! Yeah this will be like our haven, our safe place, when we come." Squealed an excited Kaylee.

Toby suddenly looked serious. " Kaylee promise me we'll always be friends forever. That nothing will ever, ever come between us, no matter what." He said looking up at her with innocent chocolate eyes. Kaylee linked her little pinkie with Toby's.

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