Mixed emotions

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I'm so very sorry for making you guys wait so long!! i've been really busy with school and everything else i just haven't had the time to just sit down and write. But i whipped out my superwoman cape and was able to muster out another chappie!!

soo.... please forgive me?

'A real friend is someone who does not give you expectation about delivering on some kind of peer group pressure.'

-By: Tony Orlando

Kaylee pov

I grunted as i tried to maneuver my way through the mass of bodies to my locker. This school was bloody huge! I swear if it wasn't for Lucas i would have never been able to find my way around here. Lucas and i actually had a lot in common and he was definitely boyfriend material, but for some unhighlighted reason i didn't see him romantically. Of course he was good looking and ravishingly charming but i found myself wanting him only as a friend, someone for me to confide in.

I heaved a relieved sigh as i finally made it to my locker and got out the books i would need for the rest of the day. I had lunch next so more than likely i will be seeing...Toby. Why was it hard to think his name even in the solitude of my own head? I haven't seen him all morning. He was probably in an abandoned closet sucking faces with some slut.

Was it wrong that the mere thought of Toby with another girl made my skin boil and my vision go red?

Toby was just my friend. He wasn't my boyfriend so i had no claim over him, but that doesn't mean that i was content with even the single thought of him with another girl. Whatever. Toby can do whatever he wanted. I couldn't care less.

A shrill scream escaped my lips, the kind that are only used by girls in cliche horror movies, when i shut my locker to see Lucas standing there with an easy,humorous smile on his boyish face.

"Are you freaking insane or just plain stupid? I seriously think it's the former because you almost gave me a freaking heart attack!" I screamed bloody murder at him . Dramatically, i placed my hand over my rapidly beating heart and tried to slow my ,equally rapid, breathing. Lucas just chuckled as if scaring the wits out of me was just the funniest thing in the world.

"Sorry," he said unconvincingly," so are you ready to head to lunch? We better get there before all the pizza is gone and we have to eat Shirley's green eyed soup." He emphasized how much he hated it by making a ridiculous disgusted face.

"Her what?" i asked as we started making our way to the canteen.

"We call it 'Green eyed soup' because legend says a kid saw an eye in his soup while he was eating it." He answered.

Gross." Okay that explains the eye part. What about the green? Was the eyeball green or something?" I asked him curiously.

"No. The soup's green. I think she puts broccoli in it or something." He said this like eating green soup with eyeballs totally was an everyday thing.

"Eww yuck. That is just nasty." I shuddered as we got in line for our lunch.

Lucas chuckled lightly, planting an humorous smirk on his face," just wait until you taste it."

"Hope i never have the pleasure of doing that." I say back. I think i even threw up in my mouth a little at ever having to eat that stuff.

After Lucas and i got our tray of gooey cheesy pizza, he led me over to a table with five other people sitting at it. Three girls and two boys.

"What's up" Lucas greeted as he took a seat and i took the one next to him. There was a chorus of greetings returned back but all their attentions were focused solely on the new girl sitting at their table.

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