She was..
Stolen from her home and cast into the violent life of dog fighting, Lola must conform or be crushed. The soft hand of man had been long forgotten. Perhaps the only thing this dog...
A small human stood in a door way. I loved him because he had something in his hand. I knew it was edible because it smelled like it. I ran up to him and tried to jump up his great legs. He was a big child. I liked him. "Jake I found a puppy on the side of the road, do you want her?" I looked up at the boy Yes, you want me. You want me to eat that thing in your hand "Yeah I guess. She's cute" he reached down and pet me "she looks like that Lola pup we saw at the shelter." Yes I am that Lola pup Jake reached down and pet me on my ear. I love this boy. While he bent over I latched my little mouth on that nice thing in his hand. It tasted saucy and cheesy and meaty. I liked it "Uh mom, can dogs eat pizza?" Jake yelled. I walked past him and went into the house. There was a stairway on one side and a hallway on the other side. I went to the hallway because logic. There was a room to my left which had a bright box with noises and a nice looking sofa. My right had a room with cabinets, a cold big white box and a table. I liked that room. I turned around, went under Jakes legs and went up the stairs. There were rooms. Three had beds, one smelled like Mom, one smelled like Jake (I like that room) and one smelled like nothing. And finals there was a room with the greatest water bowl ever. I shook my head and my floppy ears hit my head. Jake picked me up and brought me downstairs. He set me down in the room with the bright box and sat on the couch watching me. I was bored. I picked up a pillow and shook it. "Lola put that down!" I dropped it. I jumped up on the sofa (after 5 tries) and lied down next to him and fell asleep to the bright box. - -
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I woke up when I heard Mom walk in. I ran to her. She had bags in her hands. She opened them. One had bowls in them and a big bag of food. One was purely toys. She took the tags off and threw them in the sofa room. One was a great big rope, one was a duck that squeaked, one was a tough knot, one was a rubber ball, one was a hard plastic bone and the last one was a big odd shaped thing that also squeaked. I jumped onthe rope and shook it. Jake grabbed the other end and we pulled and pulled and pulled. I would not let go. He picked it up and I was still holding onto it. I was dangling in the air. Jake started laughing and dropped it. I ran around with the rope and then went to the bone and tried to grab it. Out of frustration I began chewing it. I liked chewing it. I heard clanking in the kitchen and ran into it. Food was in my bowl and I ate it. Full, I plodded up the stairs and fell asleep in the middle