She was..
Stolen from her home and cast into the violent life of dog fighting, Lola must conform or be crushed. The soft hand of man had been long forgotten. Perhaps the only thing this dog...
Nothing happened in the first few days I was here. Men would watch me and talk about fighting and breeding .(ew). This place was ridiculously hot. The dog house barley protected you from the sun. I was fed and watered, and sometimes some men would pat me on my head. Dogs were fought every night. Sometimes they didn't come back. I was awoken one day by a man taking my chain off of the post. He used it as a leash and led me to a kennel, inside of it he took of my chain and took a rope and hooked it onto my collar. He led me to a treadmill (why was that in a kennel?) he made me stand on it and tied to rope to the handles. He turned it on. At first it was a leisurely pace. But it escalated into a faster pace. It eventually was the fastest I had run ever. My tounge lolled out of my mouth and my legs screamed. It was like that for hours.
For a few weeks that was all that happened. Me running in the treadmill. My muscles bulked from the exercise and I became massive. My legs were tough and my neck was thick. I had began to grow fond of some of the men who would feed and pet me. But not the men who would not. I licked my maw and padded over to my bowl. I licked the small remaining bits of meat. I could barely feel the chain anymore, it felt like a normal leash. Muscles do that to you.
I was awoken in the night by heavy boots stepping on the dirt outiside. I looked out of the dog shelter and saw one of the men pacing around the rows.
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I looked at the pit next to my area who had his ears pricked in interest. Suddenly the man came over to me and unhooked my chain from the post in the ground. He led me away, sort of like a walk, but this one felt... Wrong. My stomach curbed and we were led into the building. It was long and the inside was completely open. In the middle was a area closed off by short wood walls... Filled with bloodstains. Some men were already around it. I was hauled over and inside of the walls where the man sat next to me and patted by neck. He seemed exited. Another dog was hauled over the wall in the other side, more men came into the building. He was a sturdy built out with no scars like me. Something stirred inside me and I felt the need to fight. I could feel it coming off the other dog as well. O let out a low growl, causing my body to rumble. My chain was unhooked but the man had a firm grip on my collar, as well with the other dog. "3" "2" "1" The men let us go.