She was..
Stolen from her home and cast into the violent life of dog fighting, Lola must conform or be crushed. The soft hand of man had been long forgotten. Perhaps the only thing this dog...
Lola paced around the small pen wildly. Just the smell of this place made her aggressive. The dogs, the cats, strange people, and the burning scent of the chemicals that were used here. "Mother, what's going on?" Alre asked, his small ears lay flat on his head. The normally tough pup was huddled up with his two sisters, shaking in a corner. "We're gonna die!" Lily wailed, the small brindle pup was at the bottom of the huddle. Her brown fur almost invisible under her tri brother and blue sister. Sky was silent. Her blue-grey fur was smooth and her eyes were wide. "No children. We will get out of here. Trust me on that. These humans will make a mistake eventually" Lola snapped, slightly annoyed with her pups' crying. A man walked by the pen and placed something on the kennel gate. Lola snapped her jaws at him in the process. He shook his head and walked away.
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Lola continued to growl even after the man left. It hadn't occurred to her that there were no other dogs in the room until now. Strange. When she was here with her mother there were lots of dogs. But not in this particular room. "Odd.." she muttered to herself. "Mom?" Lily piped, her voice small in the long room. "Yes my dear?" Lola asked, turning away from the gate. "Are they going to take us away from you, like, forever?" Lola hesitated on this. "I hope not.." ~
Lola awoke the next morning to a few people standing outside the kennel. Thick gloves, and a neck noose. Lola raised her hackles and stood over the still sleeping pups. Suddenly, quick as a flash, the gate opened and the noose was snapped around her neck. She was thrust against the wall and held by the man and pole. One person walked into the kennel and scooped up Alre and Sky. The two, now awake were squealing and crying. Lily yelped and scurried into a corner. Lola let out a loud roar like bark and threw herself into the man holding her against the wall and clenched her jaws over his gloved hand. He yelled and let go, he scrambled out of the cage. Lona lunged just as the got out, closing the gate in the process. She reared up on her hind legs and barked non stop. Even as they left the room with Sky and Alre. "Momma?" A shaken voice came from behind her. Lily was still here. Lola whined and crumbled around her pup. Licking her as Lily cried. Lola stayed curled around her, looking at the door that led out of the room. A few people walked by. But then something happened, a person walked by with red hair.. a smell drifted into the room that had been long forgotten by Lola. She raised her head.