She was..
Stolen from her home and cast into the violent life of dog fighting, Lola must conform or be crushed. The soft hand of man had been long forgotten. Perhaps the only thing this dog...
Lola paced around her spot and snarled at any dog who made eye contact with her. She needed to fight. It's what her breed was bred to do!
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Lola woke in the hot sun as her man walked over to her. He unhooked her chain and dragged her to the ring. Lola slightly wagged her tail and pulled ahead of him. She needed to let this anger out. Anther dog was already in the pit, a stocky bulldog. Lola was hoisted over and dropped in the ring. "3" "2" "1" Lola and the bully slammed together. Lola's size knocked the smaller dog over, but his muscle mass easily pushed her off. Her longer limbs allowed her to dodge his teeth and his shorter body let him reach her underside raiser. It was a fair match, and it lasted for quite a bit. Lola's teeth ripped into the males muzzle and he let out a shrill Yelp. He pulled away but quickly planted his fangs into Lola's leg. Lola cringed as blood dropped down her leg. She growled in pain and slashed her fangs over the males shoulders, making him release. He barked viciously and grabbed her lip. Lola squealed and reared back. She fell with in paws in the air and her lip bloody. She snarled and they circled. Hackles raised and teeth bared. Lola lunged in and grabbed his face, Lola shook and lurked her head back, the males muzzle was mangled and his nose was split down the middle. Blood freely flowed down his chin and a rumbling grew in his chest. He lunged at Lola before she could react and slammed her to the ground. His jaws locked over her neck and he thrashed her around. Lola let out a Yelp and kicked out with her paws. She grew feeble and watched as blackness spiraled into her view.
The last thing Lola remembered was the man tearing away the male and cheering. Lola had been picked up and taken out of the ring. Her wounds were treated and wrapped; She was put back into her box and left to heal. She gave a small whine and struggled to her paws. Her body ached and she felt as if something was holding her down. She limped, or tried to, walked over to her bowl. No food, but some water was in her other one. She lapped it up gratefully. Lola carefully lied on her paws and let it a slow sigh. She fumbled for a bit, trying to get comfortable. She decided just to rip the bandages off. She rose her head as a man walked by, he looked at the ripped bandages and slapped Lola on the maw. She yelped and scurried into her box. She Kaye's and was pulled into a painful sleep.
Sirens, loud blaring. Lights, so bright. Red and blue flashed into Lola's box, waking her in a panic. She looked out to see men fleeing into the woods, dogs barked, others whined. People in dark uniforms with dangly belts ran after them. While others took pictures with flashy lights, Lola growled at a female that took hers. "Tsk, aggressive bitch." She spät before going to the next dog. Another person came by and doing a metal pole around Lola's neck. She yelped and struggled to pull away. Another person removed Lola's 'collar' and they tried to walk her away. Despite her wounds, Lola ripped the pole out of the mans hand. She tucked her tail in and fled Into the trees. She noticed two other dogs do the same, the uniformed people had underestimated them. She heard loud pops, none of the fleeing dogs were hit. She disappeared into the trees, the pole still clanging.