She was..
Stolen from her home and cast into the violent life of dog fighting, Lola must conform or be crushed. The soft hand of man had been long forgotten. Perhaps the only thing this dog...
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The next few days were quiet. Jake went to places, Mom went to work, I stayed at home. My claws clicked on the wooden flooring as I patrolled the house. Ever since the man came into my home I patrolled all the time. Every day, every night, all the time. I trotted into the kitchen and licked up some dog food bits. Tasty. Pretty soon I had finished the whole bowl. I shook my head and padded into the living room. The bright box was on, I never did understand that box. It talked but no humans were near it. ~ I heard a clank outside and rushed to the window. There he was. My worst enemy. The Mail Man. I put my paws on the window and barked "HEY! Hey! Hey! You! You! You! Yeah that's right run away! Don't touch my paper box ever again!" Satisfied, I jumped back up on the couch and fell asleep. ~ I woke up to the door opening. I jumped off the couch and peeked around the corner. Just Jake. I wagged my tail and ran up to greet him. "Hey girly" he rubbed my head and scratched my ears. He threw a bag onto the floor. It had smelly clothes, a big orange ball (it's mine now) and some smelly shoes. He took the clothes out and went to the laundry room. He came out and the machine turned on. I sat down and wagged furiously. I wanted to play. I barked and slammed my front end on the ground in a play bow. "Play with meeeee!!!" I whined. Jake turned around "wanna play girl?" He asked "YES!" I barked. I bounded over and tackled him. He grabbed a tug rope and waved it I front of my face. I flew off of him and grabbed the rope. I growled playfully and pulled. So did he. ~ We played for a good half an hour before I shifted my attention to a dog outside with his owner. His name was Samson. He was a German Shepard. He was tan with a big black saddle. Classic shepherd. I barked and ran to the window. "Sammy!" I barked. He perked his was and jumped up "Lola!" "Sammy!" "Lola!" "Sammy!" "Lola!" His owner pulled Samson back and continued walking. ~ I bursted out the front door, dragging Jake behind me. He tugged on the leash which pulled my harness "heel!" He yelled. Fine. I walked a bit in front of him and sniffed every bush and blade of grass. I LOVED walks. We walked around the block 3 times because I wanted to. When we got the house I melted on the cold kitchen tiles while Jake passed out on the couch. I rolled on my side and let the tiles cool me down before I drifted into a peaceful sleep.