She was..
Stolen from her home and cast into the violent life of dog fighting, Lola must conform or be crushed. The soft hand of man had been long forgotten. Perhaps the only thing this dog...
Thumping, Lola's felt as if her heart would burst from her chest. Branches and leaves whipped her face as she fled in the darkness. The noose and pole around her neck continued to clang against the trees around her. She no longer heard the sirens or the chasing footsteps behind her.
Lola tripped and stumbled into a small ditch, it led to an empty pipe, maybe a creek was here long before. Lola whined and put her paws over the noise on her neck. She struggled to pull it off of her thick head. Once it was off, she growled and kicked It away. "Wretched trap" she growled
She limped over to the pipe and curled up in it, her weariness taking over. She was pulled to sleep by the distant trickle of water behind her.
Lola woke to a gruff growl coming from above her. She looked up, forgetting she was in the large pipe. Two dogs were on the earth above it.
"Listen to me you idiot, I can smell her! I can smell her RIGHT HERE!" The seemingly dominant male growled
"WELL SHE ISNT 'RIGHT HERE'! You're blinder than a bat, Rocco!"
"Shut up, Gator." Rocco snarled.
Lola huffed. As they jumped down the the earth above the tunnel. Rocco was a lean mutt, ears halfway bent, kinky tail, square muzzle. Short brown fur with black saddle. Gator was a simple black lab. Lola rolled her eyes and rose slowly to her paws. She was a bit taller than Rocco, Same size as Gator.
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"Trouble boys?" She asked, her voice calm but shooting daggers at the two, her eyes narrowed and legs braced.
The two males snapped their heads over to her. Lola was skinny, as her breed was, but she had muscles, threatening ones.
Rocco spoke first "Ah! You are the lovely lady who moved into the Drainage Tunnel, we come to greet you. That is all." Lola could sense his fake smile and words. Gator nodded in agreement with him.
"Cut the shit, what the hell do you want?" Lola snarled, her lips peeled back to reveal her fangs. Her scar covered muzzle twitched with her growl.
Gator frowned and stepped ahead of Rocco. "You're in our turf. We don't welcome fighting mutts here. As if you can fight. You're skinnier than a twig"
Lola snarled. How ignorant could these dogs be? Taking her for a fool, a weak fool. "You seem so sure.." Lola held her head low and began to circle the two, hiding her limp.
She could feel anticipation coming from Rocco, but Gator seemed unsure. "Prove it then, I don't belei-"
Lola longed forward before Rocco could finish his sentence. She barreled into him and sunk her fangs into his muzzle. He yelped and ripped his face away from hers, his muzzle dripping with blood. They clashed and Lola caught the skin on his neck, he bit into her shoulder. Lola growled as Gator bit into her thigh and began pulling back.
Lola let go of Rocco and pushed him back with her paws. She lunged around and grabbed one of Gator's floppy ears. He screamed and reared back, leaving a long tear in it. Lola jumped and slammed him down by the throat. Blood shot into her face. Whoops.
She felt Rocco jump on her, knocking her down. Lola snarled and grabbed his paw as he jumped, making him crash to the dirt.
"Leave, your friend is dead. Don't make me kill you too." She snarled, her maw dropping blood.
Rocco hesitated, looked at Gator's expired body and fled into the trees.
Lola panted and sighed. She licked her muzzle and shoulder. The wounds weren't severe, she'd be fine. She shook herself and headed into the meadow in which Gator and Rocco had came.
Lola traveled until night. Fatigue plagued her. The meadow had to a highway, strange. She hasn't seen this much human activity for two years. She huffed and continued along the guard rail. She was tired and she knew it, but something inside her was strong. It powered her.
Lola sniffed around for a moment before finding a crushed rabbit. Despite the rubbery taste it was okay.
On the other side of the highway was a forest, thick and green. She'd need to cross the highway first. Oh joy.
She tentatively crept onto the edge of the road and waited for a break in the cars. Soon enough, it came. She bolted into the road, cars honked and tires squealed. She raced to the other side and into the middle island. "One more to go.." She jumped into the road again, it was less crowded. She passed with ease. She looked up into the trees. The stars illuminated the sky. Maybe this could be her home.