Chapter 21 *finale*

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Lola sighed, she was curled against the soft couch with Jake on her side and the pups dead asleep on the floor. It had been so long since she felt this comfortable, it's not like she'd been living in a box for 2 years. Jake stopped petting her head, Lola groaned and pushed against him, he resumed. Jake then rose from the couch "Walk?" He asked Lola. Lola sprang off the couch and circled his legs before trotting into the kitchen to sit by her leash. Oh boy, the pups were awake.

The house hadn't changed much since she's been gone, the living room was re-arranged but that was about it. Mom was still the same, loveable woman but Jake was different, he wasn't as outgoing and he always seemed quieter. Lola assumed it was nothing. He had changed the names of the pups, Lola didn't bother paying attention to those though. Hers were fine.

"NO! I want to go for the walk!" Alre yelled
"YOU went last time! Its MY turn!" Lily retorted
Sky was sitting in between them with a dead-inside stare.
Lola whipped around "Nobody is going now!"
They ceased their bickering.
Lola rolled her eyes but was relieved, she liked just walking with Jake.
Jake clipped her leash into her brand new collar, yes, brand new just for her, and they got outside before the pups noticed.

The cool autumn air was cool and calming on the pair as they walked along the sidewalk, leaves crunching under shoes and paws. Lola walked next to Jake, leaving the leash plenty of slack. She perked her ears to footsteps behind them. It was one of Jakes friends! She barked and whipped around, tail wagging. Jake turned too and he let out a toothy smile as the two embraced. Sheesh, it's not like you saw him yesterday or anything...

The three continued their walk, Jake and his friend talking about things that Lola couldn't even hope to understand. They had just left the neighborhood, going into a trail in the red and orange forest. Lola closed her eyes as she walked, just taking in the smells and sounds. It was so peaceful, a thing that she had greatly missed. She thought of her pups, Jake, his friend, Mom, and even that fucking squirrel in her backyard. She let herself be taken away in the taken away in her thoughts, flying away like the flame colored leaves in the gentle breeze.
Thanks for reading! I'm going to keep the story as unfinished because those first few chapters, Holy shit, they need re-written. Comment stuff! Comment head cannons and shit! Ask stuff about what happens after the story! I'll be glad to answer!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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