When Everything Goes Downhill

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Disclaimer: I do not own PJO and it's characters. All of this belongs to the great Rick Riordan.


When Everything Goes Downhill

News travelled fast that the great hero, Percy Jackson, was missing again. Search teams where sent to find Percy but everytime, they come back with no leads.

Annabeth was worse than the first time Percy disappeared. She seemed more terrifying and she had this aura that made you want to hide. Even the Ares cabin stayed clear of her.

She already spent a lot of drachmas trying to contact everyone she knew. She spent her late nights on the beach hoping that Percy will return, but with no such luck, he did not.

Her friends tried to comfort her but Annabeth pushed them all away. She didn't need them, she needed Percy.

"I want to join the search team today." Annabeth told Chiron after breakfast, one where she barely touched her food.

Chiron rested his hand on her shoulder, "Annabeth, you must take a rest. You've been staying up late and I'm sure you are tired."

Annabeth only shook her head, "I can't. Even if I want to, I can't relax. And I want to look for Percy. I know he's somewhere out there. I want to find him." Her voice cracked at the end as she struggled to fight her sobs that are threatening to shake her whole body.

"I know. I know, but you have to take care of yourself." Chiron told her as he lead her to her cabin.

"It's been months, Chiron! Yet there was no clue as to where he is! I miss him!" Tears raced down her face and the sobs she was fighting shook her body.

"It will be alright. Just believe, and everything will turn out right." Chiron comforted her as one of Annabeth's sister helped her into bed.

Chiron watched as the sobs decreased and Annabeth's breathing became even.

"Percy, where are you?" He whispered in the wind.

All he got as a reply was the wind chilling him as it seemed to blanket him in a cold embrace.


Percy's disappearance left an obvious impact in the whole camp. Dinners were not as cheerful as before and even Capture The Flag seemed boring. The Stoll brothers did not even try to prank someone as the mood was always grim.

The gods were also trying to locate Percy all over the world. Poseidon checked every inch of the waters but there was no sign of his son's whereabouts.

There was nothing that could give them hope that Percy is still alive.

Grover misses his bestfriend.

Tyson wants to see his brother.

Jason and Piper are worried about their friend.

Frank and Hazel feel incomplete without Percy with them.

And Annabeth, well, Annabeth needs her Seaweed Brain.


It was knd of empty but it's kind of needed to show the effect of Percy's disappearance. Don't worry though, Seaweed Brain will be back sooner than you thought.

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