When The Not-So-Young Boy Appeared

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(Disclaimer: I do not own PJO and I never will. This belongs to the mighty Rick Riordan.)


When The Not-So-Young Boy Appeared
by StarNightShadow


The camp was starting to get back to as normal as it can be. It was hard for the campers at first to accept that Percy may never come back but with the help of the Stoll brothers, they are now coping.

All, except Annabeth. She's already broken and can't be fixed. Nightmares kept her screaming at night which is why she chose to ditch sleeping so she wouldn't wake others.

After Percy and Annabeth escaped Tartarus they were scarred deeply and they relied on each other to hang into reality. But with Percy gone, Annabeth can't stop the nightmares which she wished was just nightmares and wasn't true.

"Campers," Chiron got the attention of the campers one morning. They were all eating normally when the centaur rose from his seat.

He cleared his throat before continuing his speech, "As you all know, a hero named Percy Jackson disappeared months ago. We have searched everywhere and every inch of the earth including forbidden lands, but unfortunately we didn't find him." He took a deep breath that made Annabeth nervous about what he was going to say next.

"I am afraid to tell you this but if Percy isn't found this week, we would have to declare his death." The campers gasped at the news and Annabeth froze in shock.

'No', she wanted to shout but her mouth wasn't able to move. They can't give up on finding Percy.

He is alive and Annabeth can feel it.


"Grover, can you just finish packing already?" Annabeth asked Grover impatiently as she stood waiting for the satyr to pack his bags.

"I'm almost finished. Why don't you go check on the others?" Grover told Annabeth as he packed a few cans in his bag in case of an emergency.

"Already did. We're all finished except for you." Annabeth sighed as she looked at the time. "We're losing precious time, Grover."

"Aaaaaaand I'm done." Grover picked up his bag and went out to meet the others. Annabeth silently followed behind him.

She was mentally planning where to go first when Piper shouted.

"Oh my gods! Is that Percy?!" Her shout was so loud everyone including the gods in Olympus heard her. Annabeth looked up to see a boy with sea green eyes stumble inside the camp borders carrying a minotaur horn.

He was calling for his mother as he crawled his way to the big house. All the campers rushed to him with Annabeth at the front as he collapsed in the porch.

"It's him. It really is." Annabeth wanted to hug him but she can't move from her spot. "But he's dying. Somebody do something!" She almst shrieked when she saw blood coming out of his head.

"Silence, Annabeth. He's still conscious. Bring him inside." Chiron ordered some campers to lay Percy inside the house.


Gods. It's been a really long time. But I'm back! And I will work hard to finish this story. Altso, I'll make the next chapters longer so... thanks for reading.

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