Chapter Twelve

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I walked into the dressing room. It was white with mahogany dressers and tables. I took a deep breath.

"Okay," I whispered to myself.

"You can do this...Hannah, you can do this." I told myself. I heard the door open. I turned to see Kaeliegh. She smiled slightly.

"Hey, you okay?" I nodded and sat down. Kaeliegh looked guilty.

"What?" I asked. She shook her head, then smiled.

"You ready to get married?" She asked, trying to be excited. I could tell her heart was broken. I hugged her.

We heard a knock at the door. I walked toward the door and opened it. I was greeted by Sawyer's beautiful eyes.

"Sawyer..." I said, remembering what he said about me.

"Hannah I-" Kaeliegh cut him off by pushing him.

"Get out of here, Sawyer. You're not supposed to be here." Her face was filled with rage. They had just broken up, so yeah, she was pissed. I looked at him in agreement. He hurt me so bad, yet I couldn't stop thinking about him.

"Sawyer, please. Just go..." I said, my eyes starting to sting. He left with tears in his eyes...

Music started playing and my stomach started doing backflips.

"Come on, it's time." Kaeligh said and took my arm. I breathed in and out. We started walking towards the big double for where Joey and everyone else waited for me. The site opened and I was greeted with loud traditional music and everyone in the crowd was standing. None of my family was here, it was all Joey's people. I smiled at Joey. He smiled and waved at us. We started walking towards him.

After what seemed like forever, I finally got to Joey. He took my hand and we walked to the priest.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the sacred bond of Joey Graceffa and Hannah Jenkins." I started shaking. This was really happening. I'm really about to get married to Joey freaking Graceffa. I looked into his gorgeous green eyes and smiled at him.

"If there are any objections as to why these two shall not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace." My heart raced. I saw the priest about to speak, then suddenly a familiar voice rang out.

"I do!" Every one gasped and turned toward the voice. Joey turned toward me and looked confused. I shrugged and looked again. Sawyer then appeared in the aisle.

"I object!"

"And why is that my son?" the priest asked Sawyer.

"Hannah, I love you! I didn't mean those things I said. They were all lies. You're so much more than that. You mean so much more to me and I can't stop thinking about you. Please, be with me." Sawyer was now on the ground, literally on his knees begging. I looked at Joey. I looked back at Sawyer. I looked down at the diamond ring on my finger.

"Sawyer...I...I'm sorry. I belong with Joey." I said, even though everything inside of me said Sawyer.

"Security, please get him out of here." Joey said. Sawyer was being dragged out. I watched as his head dropped and tears fell from his eyes. I felt my throat start to sting. The priest cleared his throat and said,

"Anyone else?" Everyone stayed quiet.

About 45 minutes later, it was time for the I do's.

"Joseph Graceffa, do you take Hannah Jenkins to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Joey glanced over my shoulder. It took everything I had not to look back. Instead, I looked at Joey and squeezed his hand. He looked at me and was brought back to reality.

"I do!" he said happily. I smiled slightly, still hurting from earlier.

"And Hannah, do you take Joseph Graceffa to be your lawfully wedded husband?" I nodded,

"I do." He smiled down at me.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Joey grabbed me by the waist and pulled me roughly into his lips. He bit my lip, trying to get me to moan. I almost did until I remembered where we were.

A few hours later, we were at our after party. There was the stench of alcohol and the sound of drunk conversations rained through the house. I got a Miller Light and walked to the couch. I sat down and took a swig. Gross, I thought. I put it down on the table and decided to go to sleep. I walked up to my room and opened the door. I saw rose petals everywhere. I saw candles lit everywhere. I gasped quietly and closed the door.

I felt hands slide against my stomach. I yelped quietly and turned. I saw Joey's green eyes bore into mine.

"Hey," he said in a raspy voice. I got chills as he kissed my neck.

"Hey," I moaned.

I lifted his head to be level with mine and kissed his lips gently. He put his hands behind my neck and pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. I felt his tongue enter my mouth. I met his with mine and explored his mouth. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer so there was no more froom between us. He lifted me up and walked me to the bed where he threw me and jumped on top of me. I lifted his shirt and threw it on the ground. He groaned and started lifting my little black dress. He kissed my inner thigh which made me moan.

"Joey..." I said breathless. He came up to my face and kissed my lips. I unbuckled his pants. He smirked and ripped my dress.

"Joey!" I squealed. He purred and kissed me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and felt his growing buldge. I grinded up against it which made him moan and bite my neck. He found my sweet spot and sucked on it. It hurt but I loved it so much. I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Joey..." I moaned out. His member was now rock hard. I slid his boxers down and pulled him close. He entered me and groaned. I bit his earlobe and kissed him.

The rest of the night was filled with cuddling and kissing and love. It felt so right. This is what I was meant to do...


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