1:Peter Pan (Do You Believe In Magic? - Aly & AJ)

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And yes, cartoon version. Because the real version Peter Pan? No. He sucks.

Grumpy face.

I was debating to go with the Aly & AJ or The Lovin’ Spoonful’s version of this song. I decided Aly & AJ, since the reader is of course a girl – plus, modern times and such.  (Do You Believe In Magic? – Aly & AJ)


Laughing, you jumped up and down on the bed, spinning in a circle while singing along to the music reverberating around the room. Your adopted younger sister shamelessly tackled you to the floor, the both of you laughing so hard your lungs hurt. Hitting the ground with a loud thump, you both groaned, right before bursting out laughing once again.

“Geeze, why are you so physical with your affection?” You winced, rubbing your head as you sat up.

“That’s what she said~” The girl beside you snickered. You promptly hit her.

“Hey, not nice!”

“You’re such a pervert.” You sighed, pushing yourself up and off the floor before skidding across the room’s floorboards due to your socks, grinning as you went. Once you reached the other side, you switched the stereo system off.

“Awww, please don’t say-“

“It’s time for bed.” You crossed your arms, glancing at the clock and reading it to be one-thirty.

“But it’s so early!” She whined, hopping onto her bed.


‘Do you believe in Magic?’

“It’s one-thirty in the morning! Being the older one here, I need to take care of your mental health . . . even though there’s not much left.”

“Are you implying something?”

You laughed, picking up a pillow from the nearby futon and throwing it at your sister. You watched as she toppled off the bed, landing on the floor with an ‘Ouch.’

“Just go to your room and sleep. I won’t appreciate you being grumpy in the morning,” you watched as your family’s pup rolled over in her sleep in the corner of the room, “And neither will Dally.”

The younger girl grumbled, appearing from behind the bed and making her way to the bedroom’s exit, “Fine. Goodnight - see you in the morning when the sun comes up.”

“G’night.” You smiled, watching her leave the room and closing the door after her. You stood there for a moment before rubbing your eyes, walking over to your dresser and pulling a drawer out, ready to change into your pyjamas. Your fingers pulled at the edge of your shirt, but just as the hem passed your bellybutton, a loud thump resonated from the roof and into your room.

“What the . . .?” You questioned with a quirked brow. Letting go of your shirt, you made your way to the glass doors opposite your bed. You silently pushed them open, stepping outside onto the small balcony. Nothing conspicuous out here . . . You spun on your heel and headed for the drainpipe on the wall beside the terrace, taking a tight grip on it and shimmying up to the roof.

‘In a young girl’s heart,

How the music can free her,

Whenever it starts’

Once you had made it to the top, you hoisted yourself onto the surface of the roof, kneeling as to not lose your balance. You gazed into the darkness around you, squinting to try and see through the black veil.


No response.

 You sighed, about to turn around and climb back down before you saw a sparkle accompanied by a quiet tinkle somewhere to your left. You blinked, getting down on all fours so you could crawl across the roof and gain access to the new area. You could hear scuffling as you neared a chimney, but as you peered around the corner, you could only see the tops of nearby houses and the night sky.

“Darn. And here I thought something exciting was happening.” You grumbled, once again about to make your way back to your bedroom. However, when you turned around, you found a face to be quite close to yours. You squeaked, immediately tumbling backwards and landing on your back. Boyish laughter filled your ears and you blinked stupidly, eyes wide with wonder. Before you was a devilish redhead, garbed in a green tunic and pants, among other accessories and details, they all told that the boy was extremely strange. Once the guy had finished laughing you had already sat up, eyes furrowed as you stared at his pointed ears.

“Who . . . exactly, are you?” You queried, finally gazing at his face rather than ears.

The elfish boy smirked, quickly standing up from his seated position to place his hands on his hips in a bold manner, “Why, I’m Peter. Peter Pan!”

. . . What?

You, yet again, blinked stupidly, staring up at the exceptionally young man, “The Peter Pan?”

“Well, yeah. I don’t know of any other ‘Peter Pan’s that come from Neverland.” He said condescendingly, beginning to float upwards and off the roof to emphasize his point. A moment later, you could see a small gold, sparkling figure appear from under his hat.

Holy cow! You couldn’t tell if your heart was slowing down from shock or speeding up with excitement – either way, this was incredible!

“And she, of course, is Tinker Bell. But I guess you’d already know from all those stories floating around that are about me, huh?”

You watched as the small pixie glided down to your level, giving you a once over before frowning angrily.

“Uh, yeah.” You nodded slowly as Tinker Bell huffed in her own language, flying back up to Peter’s side.

Your little meeting was quickly halted though as you spotted a scarlet liquid dripping from Peter’s forehead. Ah. That must have been the loud crash before.

“O-oh! You’re bleeding! Here, come inside so I can patch you up!”

You swiftly stood up and grabbed Peter’s hand, pulling him along the roof, stumbling as he almost accidently lifted you off the ground more than once.

“H-hey, wait a minute!”

‘And it’s magic.’

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